It's a fork of the awesome work of Bartek Szopka - impress.js but modified to be used in our editor JSpres.
Here is a list of the most biggest changes from the original:
- hash support is disabled
For our purposses we don't want to change the browser's url on every step, so we decided to turn this off. We've added a way to configure ipmress on its initialization, you just have to pass a config object and we will do it. Here is an example how to disable the hash support:
var configuration = {
isHashEnabled: false
var api = impress('impress', configuration);
- reinitSteps()
We are extending the API with a custom function which is used to reinitialize the steps when a new slide is added, removed or changed dynamically from our editor.
- substeps
The substeps are a part that every presentation should contains and this is one of the main cons of the impress.js project.
Now with this patch you can add a substep
class to every element inside a step and you don't have to wory about anything else. We will move on every substep in a slide. For now we do not support inline animations and transitions for the substeps but you can style them with pure CSS. All you have to know is the classes which specifies their state.
There are 3 classes - past
, entered
and future
and I think that their names are enough to understand how to use them.
Warning This version is still under dev and we make changes now, so if you find any bugs or problems you can nottify us with opening an issue or simply contribute to the project to fix them.
- substeps animations
What is impress.js without animations? Because of this we've added animate.css to the lib and now we are supporting a really cool animations for the substeps, just add the class name of the animation inside data-animate-css
attribute on the every substep and we will fdo the
magic (don't forget to add the animate.min.css file to your page). If you don't want to use it, the substeps will use basic fade in/fade out animations by default.
- basic styles
Yes, right now the official imprss.js doesn't have a basic styles, it's jut contains only the styles for the demo presentation. We've filtered them and now the impress.css
contains the basic styles which you need to start a new presentation.
** Warning** This file contains basic styles for the browser interpreter and yhe impress.js messages, not skins for a better presentations. If you are looking for this you can take a look here and use our skins.
We should flll that info, but for now it's just a TODO
It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind
If you want to learn more about impress.js go to the official repo here.
Copyright 2011-2012 Bartek Szopka
Released under the MIT and GPL (version 2 or later) Licenses.