RentMyRide is a clone of AirBnB with a focus on allowing users to rent a luxury car to make their vacations that much better. The two week full-stack project incorporates 4 main MVP features and some bonus features:
- Google map car finder- User can look up cars through google api search functionality based on location
- Currently only seed data added exists for cars in Las Vegas and Los Angeles
- Bookings- Users can book a car that others are renting out
- My Bookings- Users can view all their booked cars
- Car Reviews- Users can leave reviews on cars they don't own
- Removing Cars- Users can delete car they are hosting
- Hosting- Any user can host cars
All users can search cars for rent through the Google Map search funcionality. As the user types on the search bar the user will recieve location recommendations to autofill. Once a location has been selected the cars will in that location will render right next to the map for the user to choose from.
Through the car page all logged in users can book any car of their choosing for anytime they like. The booking is done through a form that only requires the start date and the end date of the renting period.
Any user has booked any car will be able to see all of their booked cars through the MyBookings. Users will be able to scroll down and see the image and date period for their bookings.
All logged in users are able to leave reviews for any cars they'd like. The form for the reviews only requires a title, description, and rating number for what they think about the car.