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Strée Eloi edited this page Dec 16, 2017 · 18 revisions


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Import reference

The import of image is done in the application.

  1. Launch Blocks
  2. Launch new sketch
  3. Click on Add reference image
  4. Out of the VR headset select the image wanted
  5. Press "fire trigger" to import the image


  1. Launch Blocks
  2. Launch new sketch
  3. Create an asset
  4. Save and publish it
  5. Fulfill the publish form
  6. Go in your blocks public gallery
  7. Download your model
  8. Drag and drop the folder out of the Zip downloaded in Unity
    8.1 Do not rename it until Unity joined the material to the object


Require: Blender

  1. Open Blender
  2. Import the blocks.obj
  3. Cleaning
    3.1. Renamed the mesh properly
    3.2. Create a UV map of the zones you want to interact with
    3.3. Create a UV map zone by color you have on your model
    3.4. Selection all face that has the same color
    3.5. Move their UV Map on the color zone
    3.6. Went all color are done, remove all materials (Each materials take resources in Unity)
  4. In UV/Image Editor window export the UV Image (UV/Export UV Layout)
  5. Export the fbx of your object cleaned :)

Tips & Tick

  • To join two points. Reshape the first point and bring it close of the point you want to joint. It is going to join them automatically. Did not find that obvious my first tries.

  • /!\ Color are based on texturing even if it look like Vertex coloring
