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Dask deployment for the Janelia Compute Cluster


from dask_janelia import get_cluster
from distributed import Client

# this returns either an instance of `distributed.LocalCluster` or `dask_jobqueue.LSFCluster`,  
# depending on whether code is running on the janelia compute cluster or not
cluster = get_cluster()
cl = Client(cluster)

Be default, an instance of dask_jobqueue.LSFCluster with sensible defaults (1 thread / core per worker, 16 GB of ram per worker on LSF) is returned when this code is running on the Janelia compute cluster (i.e., when the bsub command is detected in the environment). Otherwise an instance of distributed.LocalCluster is returned.

The automatic detection can be partially overrriden by supplying a keyword argument to get_cluster:

# n.b. this is only useful for running a LocalCluster on the compute cluster.
cluster = get_cluster(deployment='local')

Under the hood, get_cluster is simply calling the LSFCluster and LocalCluster constructors, which unfortunately have very divergent interfaces. Instead of doing the Right Thing and formalizing an interface that abstracts over both these *Cluster classes, get_cluster takes two dict arguments called lsf_kwargs and local_kwargs that are forwarded to the respective class constructors:

# Janelia Cluster: request more memory per job
cluster = get_cluster(lsf_kwargs={'mem': '32GB', 'project' : 'foo'})

Consult the documentation for LocalCluster and LSFCluster for more information about what goes in lsf_kwargs and local_kwargs.


Dask deployment for the Janelia Compute Cluster







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