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JasXSL edited this page Nov 29, 2017 · 8 revisions

These are macros, functions & config definitions that are used within XOBJ itself. They are different to libjas and libJasPre in that they're directly related to XOBJ, whereas the libraries are more generic features.


Define at the top of your _core.lsl file

Definition Arg Description
SCRIPT_IS_ROOT N/A Should only be defined at the top of your #ROOT script
USE_EVENTS N/A Enables the event listener in the script.
OVERRIDE_TOKEN N/A Overrides the default listener token generator. See Securing XOBJ for more info
SCRIPT_ALIASES (list)aliases Allows your script to be accesses through other names. In GoT this can be used for "ms MonsterScript" to accept interact calls meant for "got Localconf"
Sets the debugging level in a script or project. See Debugging for more info
PC_SALT integer salt Salt for player channel. See Securing XOBJ
TOKEN_SALT string salt Salt for com-tokens. See Securing XOBJ
DISREGARD_TOKEN N/A Don't use security tokens. See Securing XOBJ
ALLOW_USER_DEBUG 1 = Owner only
2 = ALL
Sets up a debug listener allowing the owner (or anyone if defined as 2) to run methods on the linkset using the chat command "debug (str)module, (int)method, (var)arg1, (var)arg2..."
ALLOW_USER_DEBUG_KEY (key)uuid Use with #define ALLOW_USER_DEBUG 2 to set a UUID that can use the debug command
USE_DB2 N/A Use legacy DB2 instead of DB3, recommended only for legacy purposes.

Built in functions

Function LSL Description
runMethod(string uuidOrLink, string className, integer method, list data, string callback) X Standard function of calling a method on a module. Either internal or external
runOmniMethod(string className, integer method, list data, string callback) X Same as above but sent as a regionsay
runLimitMethod(string tokenSender, string className, integer method, list data, string callback, float range) X Uses llSay()/llWhisper etc, whichever is the minimum to cover range. Memory intensive, not recommended. Use a range argument in the method instead and check on the recipient if it was valid.
raiseEvent(evt, data) Raises an event
resetAllOthers() Resets all XOBJ scripts except the one that called it
resetAll() Resets all modules in the linkset, even the one that called it

Built in events

Event Value Data Description
evt$SCRIPT_INIT -1 void Can be raised whenever a module is intialized
evt$SCRIPT_TOUCH_START -2 (int)prim, (key)id Can be raised by #ROOT on touch_start
evt$SCRIPT_TOUCH_END -3 (int)prim, (key)id Can be raised by #ROOT on touch_end
evt$SCRIPT_BUTTON_PRESS -4 (int)level&edge Can be raised by #ROOT on a keyboard button pressed
evt$SCRIPT_BUTTON_RELEASE -5 (int)~level&edge Can be raised by #ROOT on a keyboard button released
evt$SCRIPT_BUTTON_DOUBLE_PRESS -6 (int)level&edge Can be raised by #ROOT on a keyboard button double tapped
evt$SCRIPT_BUTTON_HELD_SEC -7 (int)level, (float)sec Can be raised by #ROOT after a button has been held for sec seconds


Const Value Description
JSON_INVAILD Used in runMethod to specify that you don't want a callback

Built in events

These are standard events, they all use a negative integer for their value. Always use a positive integer when defining module events.

Event Value Data Description
evt$SCRIPT_INIT -1 void Can be raised whenever a module is intialized
evt$SCRIPT_TOUCH_START -2 (int)prim, (key)id Can be raised by #ROOT on touch_start
evt$SCRIPT_TOUCH_END -3 (int)prim, (key)id Can be raised by #ROOT on touch_end
evt$SCRIPT_BUTTON_PRESS -4 (int)level&edge Can be raised by #ROOT on a keyboard button pressed
evt$SCRIPT_BUTTON_RELEASE -5 (int)~level&edge Can be raised by #ROOT on a keyboard button released
evt$SCRIPT_BUTTON_DOUBLE_PRESS -6 (int)level&edge Can be raised by #ROOT on a keyboard button double tapped
evt$SCRIPT_BUTTON_HELD_SEC -7 (int)level, (float)sec Can be raised by #ROOT after a button has been held for sec seconds

Linkmessage numbering

Communication in XOBJ is done through linkmessages (even when received from an external source). XOBJ uses a negative integer in the link_message integer entry to determine the base action. As such you cannot use a negative int for llMessageLinked if you need to use llMessageLinked in your project. Here is a list of the current types used.

Action NR Deprecated Description
RUN_METHOD -1 Runs a method
METHOD_CALLBACK -2 Sends a callback
EVT_RAISED -3 Sends an event
RESET_ALL -4 Resets all XOBJ scripts
DB2_ADD -5 X Legacy
DB2_UPDATE -6 X Legacy
DB2_DELETE -7 X Legacy
DB3_ADD -5 Replaces DB2_ADD. Adds a table to DB3 and sends stdMethod$setShared as a callback on success to the script that requested it
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