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JasXSL edited this page Nov 29, 2017 · 12 revisions

##Run methods on another module Let's create our first module! A module is basically just a script, but follows a few rules:

  1. A module needs a header file that can be included by other scripts to access your module's methods.
  2. A module can be used as an object package for pseudo object oriented coding.
  3. A module has methods that can be called on it.
  4. A module can raise events.
  5. A module can set up and maintain DB3 tables.

In this example we'll create a dialog that will output "hello world" when you select the Yes option. You should have a "#ROOT" script and the "jas Dialog" module installed. See Installing XOBJ & Setting Up a New Project

  1. Add a new script in your project linkset, name it "mfp Main". mfp stands for MyFirstProject, and for proper projects you should use your own prefix.
  2. Navigate to your "myFirstProject" or whatever you named your project folder.
  3. Create a new subfolder and name it "classes", so you'll have something like C:\LSL\myFirstProject\classes
  4. Inside that folder, create a new file and name it mfp Main.lsl
  5. Open the file in a text editor of choice (I recommend notepad++).
  6. Save the blank script for now, we'll use it later.
  7. Open up your _core.lsl file and add #include "myFirstProject/classes/mfp Main.lsl"
  8. Also add #include "xobj_core/classes/jas Dialog.lsl"
  9. To make it more secure, add: #define PC_SALT <int> Obviously replace with a random integer of your choosing.
  10. Then add #define TOKEN_SALT "myRandomSalt" And replace myRandomSalt with a random passphrase for your project
  11. Open up your "mfp Main" script in SL.
  12. On the first row (above default) enter #include "myFirstProject/_core.lsl"

Next we'll need to start listening to events:

  1. At the very top of the script (above the _core.lsl include) add #define USE_EVENTS
  2. Between the #includes and default, add:
	onEvt(string module, integer evt, list data){
		if(module == "#ROOT" && evt == evt$TOUCH_START){
			integer prim = llList2Integer(data, 0);
			key clicker = llList2Key(data, 1);
			if(clicker == llGetOwner())
				Dialog$spawn(llGetOwner(), "Would you like to output hello world?", (["Yes", "No"]), 0, "");

Now you're listening to events. In particular you are checking if the sender module was named "#ROOT" and the event was the standard event evt$TOUCH_START (defined in xobj_core/_ROOT.lsl)

If it was, it reads the data of that event, [clicked_prim, clicker_key] and tells the dialog manager to create a new dialog for the user, using menu ID 0. If you need more menu IDs, you likely want to define constants for them, but since there are no submenus in this script we can disregard it in this example.

Next we'll add the link message event. Paste this into the default{} state of your script:

	#include "xobj_core/_LM.lsl" 
	    Included in all these calls:
	    METHOD - (int)method
	    PARAMS - (var)parameters
	    SENDER_SCRIPT - (str)sender
	    CB - The callback you specified when you sent a task
	    CB_DATA - Array of params to return in a callback
	    id - (key)method_raiser_uuid
	// Handle callbacks here
	// Public here
	#define LM_BOTTOM  
	#include "xobj_core/_LM.lsl"

That will set up the linkmessage handler. The code in if(method$isCallback) will be executed upon receiving a callback. The code after that is executed when receiving a method call.

Right now our module has no methods, but the dialog manager will send a callback, so we'll set up something to happen on receiving a dialog callback of "Yes"

Add the following code before the return in if(method$isCallback):

		if(SENDER_SCRIPT == "jas Dialog" && METHOD == DialogMethod$spawn){
			// jas Dialog is an old module and passes an object instead of arrays. Always use arrays for your user defined methods.
			string obj = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, PARAMS);
			integer menu = (integer)j(obj, "menu");
			string message = j(obj, "message");
			key user = id;
			if(message == "Yes" && menu == 0){
				llSay(0, llGetDisplayName(user)+" said Hello World!");
  • First off, this checks if the method was raised by owner. You can also check if(method$internal) to limit a method to being run only from the linkset the script is in.
  • It then checks if the callback was sent from the "jas Dialog" module, and if the method run on that script was DialogMethod$spawn
  • In that case it fetches the ID of the menu you opened, and the message received.
  • If the message was yes and the menu was 0 (as we specified when we sent the call) we output the hello world message.

Try compiling here and testing it!

Let other modules communicate with your custom one

Let's take a look at how you can let other modules access yours. Start off by opening your mfp Main.lsl file.

  1. On the first line add: #define mfpMainMethod$helloWorld 1 // (key)sender - Sends a hello world message with sender's display name

  2. You have defined your first method identifier (1)! And it accepts 1 argument (key)sender

  3. Always add a comment after your method definition explaining the arguments it accepts, and what the method does.

  4. Save the file and go back to your mpf Main SL script.

  5. After the if(method$isCallback){} if statement (right above #define LM_BOTTOM) add the following code:

    if(METHOD == mpfMainMethod$helloWorld){ llSay(0, llGetDisplayName(method_arg(0))+" said Hello World!"); CB_DATA = [method_arg(0)]; }

  • The if statement checks if the method to run was your defined mfpMainMethod$helloWorld
  • method_arg(0) gets the first method argument as a string, in this case it's supposed to be the key of the sender.
  • CB_DATA = [method_arg(0)]; lets you return the key of the sender in a callback.

Let's create an in-world box to run your method.

  1. Create a box in world.
  2. Create a new script in your box and name it #ROOT.
  3. Copy+paste the root script you made earlier into the box #ROOT script.
  4. On the first row enter #include "myFirstProject/_core.lsl"
  5. Add to the top of the script: #include "myFirstProject/classes/mfp Main.lsl"
  6. Add the following code into the new #ROOT script's default{}
	#include "xobj_core/_LM.lsl" 
	    Included in all these calls:
	    METHOD - (int)method
	    PARAMS - (var)parameters
	    SENDER_SCRIPT - (str)script that called this
	    CB - The callback you specified when you sent a task
	    CB_DATA - List of params to return in a callback
	    id - (key)method_raiser_uuid
	    if(SENDER_SCRIPT == "mfp Main" && METHOD == mfpMainMethod$helloWorld){
		llSay(0, llGetDisplayName(method_arg(0))+"'s call was successful! Sender callback: "+CB);
	#define LM_BOTTOM  
	#include "xobj_core/_LM.lsl"

This receives a callback from st Main and outputs that it was a success.

  1. Replace the new #ROOT script's touch_start event with the following:
	touch_start(integer total){
		runOmniMethod("mfp Main", mfpMainMethod$helloWorld, [llDetectedKey(0)], "This is a callback message");
  1. Touch the box. If it's set up correctly it should output the hello world message, as well as the callback you specified in touch_start.

runOmniMethod is similar to runLimitMethod except it sends the command to any listeners within the region, except the linkset that sent the command. It's recommended that you use it sparingly.

Now check around in the files of the XOBJ project. Most of them have documentation of things that will make your life easier while scripting.

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