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JesuScout npm mongoDB CDNJS

Scouting PortalScouting Portal

The Basics

JesuScout is a web-based Scouting System built for the simplest and most effective data collection in FIRST Robotics Competitions. With just a few laptops any team can configure the system to their needs and have access to analysis of every match at a competition.

Note: At this point in time, JesuScout docs only cover using the system for data collection; data processing and analysis will be added soon.



JesuScout is a web-app built with node.js, express, mongoDB, and more. Thankfully though, npm provides an easy way to install all of the required dependencies in one command.

Step one: Clone the repo

  • Click on the green icon, then press 'copy to clipboard'.
git clone
  • Insert this command into whatever directory is most conenient to you.

Step two: Install npm and all required dependencies

  • cd into the /server folder
npm install

Step three: Install mongoDB

  1. To install mongo on your local system, click here.

  2. Additionally, I highly recommend using Homebrew. It's easy to use and an extremely valuable tool for essentially any project, including this one. You can easily install Homebrew to your preferred terminal here.


A Brief Summary

Since the application needs to run locally, due to FIRST compliance rules regarding the strict prohibition of ad-hoc wifi networks, much of the setup can be configured for each teams own use.

With room for future improvements and modification, the intention of JesuScout is to compile the most in depth local database which can be downloaded and reinstalled in the pit for in depth data-analysis with Tableau.

As of 2014, Tableau Software licenses are included in each FRC Teams' Kit of Parts

Running JesuScout is extremely simple.

  1. Open up two terminal windows
    • cd one to JesuScout/server (part two)
    • the other will be monitoring your database (part three)
  2. To run the actual web app
sudo node server
  1. To monitor your DB...
    • From the root directory of your terminal enter:
cd /bin
brew services start mongodb

Note: The brew command can only be used if you have Homebrew installed

  1. With this, you're ready to roll

Success! JesuScout is now running and ready for use at http://localhost:3000

  • The computer running the server should remain powered on throughout the entire day of matches
    • The scouter computers, however, may be switched out throughout the day without issues.
  • The ideal setup is obviously to have six scouters for six robots on the field, but whatever is most convenient to your team can be used.
  • For an entire breakdown of the system and the concept, a fully polished whitepage is on the way. If you need a more immediate response, however, feel free to contact us.
  1. When you are ready to download your database for actual analysis in the pit, make use of this command in the ROOT directory of your terminal:
mongoexport --db jesuscout --collection HeartlandMatches --out matches.json --pretty

Note: This is assuming that you are using the collection 'HeartlandMatches', you can easily rename this for your preferred competition, as long as you do so in the server.js file.


We are welcoming contributions on a variety of fronts. In the future the project wiki will have more detailed information on what we are looking to improve, but for now if your team would like to contribute and be recognized, please contact us.



JesuScout was not just built for team 5809, it was built for all FRC Teams. Feel free to use and modify any of our code, and we would love to hear about what you do with it!


For bugs, questions, or concerns please feel free to contact us via email at

- Built by Max Goeke