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Deployment using Docker and kubernetes

Step 1:

Create a spring boot application Build an image using maven plugin

  mvn spring-boot:build-image -DskipTests

-DskipTest for faster build ###Some docker image command To see the list of images

   docker images

Displays the history of an image, showing the commands used to create each layer

  docker image history <image id>

Provides detailed information about a specific image, including its configuration and layers

  docker image inspect <image id>   : gives the info about images

Deletes the specified image from the local system

  docker image remove <image id> : remove from local

Step 2:

Container Run

hostPort:containerPort and when docker desktop is restart the container is run automatically

  docker run -p 5000:5000 -d —restart=always projectName:tagName

Memory use maxi 512megabyts and cpu 5% = 5,000 bcz (100,000 = 100%) check it by

  docker run -p 5001:5000 -m 512m —cpu-quota 5000 - projectname:tagename

docker container related commands

Pauses all processes within a container

  docker container pause <image id>

Resumes all processes within a paused container

  docker container unpause <image id>

Provides detailed information about a specific container

  docker container inspect <image id>

Lists all containers, including stopped ones

  docker container ls -a

Removes all stopped containers

  docker container prune

Follows and displays real-time logs from a container.

  docker container logs -f <container id>

Gracefully shutdown a running container

  docker container stop

Immediately shutdown a running container

  docker container kill <container id>

Some other Docker Commands

Displays real-time events from the Docker daemon, showing what is happening with Docker

  docker events

Lists all running processes within a specific container

  docker top <container id>

Shows a live stream of system resource usage statistics (CPU, memory, network, etc.) for running containers

  docker stats

Downloads an image from the Docker registry to the local system

  docker pull <image name>

Searches the Docker Hub for images matching the specified term

  docker search