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Web Client init

init project

cd client

npm create vite@latest

npm install

install CSS Framework

Flow these instructions

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p

install react and ethers

npm install react-icons ethers

Contract init

cd ../contract
npm init -y

npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers

npx hardhat
npx hardhat test

Create account

create account on MetaMask, which is a browser extension

  1. Get a wallet address
  2. Go Settings - advanced and open Show test networks
  3. Select Ropsten, and copy the address
  4. Search "Ropsten faucet" on Google
  5. Paste the address, and click Give me Ropsten ETH!
  6. Wait for minutes, and see the balance on MetaMask
  1. Create a new account on Alchemy
  2. Create your app -- Solidity Demo on Alchemy, and chose Ropsten as network
  3. Click VIEW KEY, and copy the HTTP key
  4. Paste the HTTP key into hardhat.config.js

Hardhat config

The account in hardhat.config.js is from MetaMask private key And then We need to run npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network ropsten to deploy the contract. Here is the output

Downloading compiler 0.8.13
Compiled 1 Solidity file successfully
Transactions deployed to: 0xd450CC5a996Bb6023C971E3b7fb203184Fa1c1F8

And you can check your balance in MetaMask, it may subtract the gas fee.

Copy the contract configures to Web client

1. Copy contract/artifacts/contracts/Transactions.sol/Transactions.json to client/src/utils

2. client/src/utils/constants.js

import abi from './Transactions.json'
export const contractABI = abi.abi
export const contractAddress = '0xd450CC5a996Bb6023C971E3b7fb203184Fa1c1F8';

Deploy to Server

cd client
npm run build

copy dist to your host server


JavaScript Mastery