I like my data how I like my turkeys. Stuffd. ๐ฆ
Create lots of random data, nested or relational (or both) and do whatever you want with it. Output the JSON, manipulate it in TS/JS land, or pipe each object into your database (both objectMode and standard stream suppported)!
npm i stuffd
- Fluid API or TypeScript Decorators for super smooth model definitions.
- Easily create heaps of nested or relational data in milliseconds.
- CLI tool for kickin' back and running tasks.
- Works perfectly with gulp/grunt/any task runner.
- Packed full of tests, so dense. Over 230 tests and counting!
cosnt { Stuffd, Context } = require('stuffd');
// Create Typescript-like enums with explicit integers!
const ModuleType = Stuffd.createEnum({
SleepingQuarters: 0,
DiningRoom: 1,
RecRoom: 2,
Agricultural: 3,
MedicalBay: 4,
Engineering: 5,
FitnessCenter: 6,
ResearchStation: 7,
NavigationStation: 8,
WeaponsBay: 9,
ShieldRoom: 10,
CargoBay: 11
// Create Typescript-like enums with implicit integers!
const ModuleSize = Stuffd.createEnum(['Small', 'Medium', 'Large']);
// Create custom, re-usable attributes!
const personName = (c) => `${c.first()} ${c.last()}`;
const Manufacturer = Stuffd.create('Manufacturer')
.key('id', id => id.guid())
.prop('name', n => n.pick(['Rocketdyne', 'Areojet', 'Boeing', 'Lockheed', 'SpaceX', 'Kerbal']))
.prop('operatingSince', os => os.date(new Date('01/01/1950'), new Date()))
.prop('ceo', c => c.custom(c => `${c.first()} ${c.last()}`))
.prop('founder', f => f.custom(personName))
const Engine = Stuffd.create('Engine')
.prop('model', m => m.str(/[A-Z]{1,3}-\d{1,3}[DXS]{0,1}/))
.prop('year', y => y.integer(1967, 2020))
.prop('thrust', t => t.float(1, 5, 12))
.prop('mass', m => m.float(3, 200, 2000))
.prop('manufacturer', m => m.type(Manufacturer))
.toString(function () {
return `${this.manufacturer.name} ${this.model} (${this.year})`;
const Module = Stuffd.create('Module')
.prop('type', t => t.enum(ModuleType, String))
.prop('size', s => s.enum(ModuleSize, Number))
.prop('operational', op => op.bool(3 / 4))
.prop('mass', m => m.float(3, 200, 5000))
.toString(function () {
return `[${ModuleSize[this.size]}] ${this.type}${this.operational ? '' : ' (undergoing maintenance)'}`;
const Spaceship = Stuffd.create('Spaceship')
.prop('name', n => n.str(/((Ares|Athena|Hermes|Icarus|Jupiter|Odyssey|Orion|Daedalus|Falcon|[A-Z] Wing) [XXIIVVCD]{2,3})/))
.prop('captain', m => m.custom(personName))
.prop('primaryEngines', pe => pe.type(Engine))
.prop('primaryEngineCount', pec => pec.integer(1, 5))
.prop('secondaryEngines', se => se.type(Engine))
.prop('secondaryEngineCount', sec => sec.integer(0, 20))
.prop('modules', m => m.list(Module, 3, 8))
.prop('hullMass', m => m.float(3, 5000, 20000))
.getter('totalThrust', function () {
let total = (this.primaryEngines.thrust * this.primaryEngineCount) + (this.secondaryEngines.thrust * this.secondaryEngineCount);
return Math.round(total * 10) / 10;
.getter('totalMass', function () {
let total = this.hullMass;
total += this.primaryEngines.mass * this.primaryEngineCount;
total += this.secondaryEngines.mass * this.secondaryEngineCount;
this.modules.forEach((m) => total += m.mass);
return Math.round(total);
.toString(function () {
let str = [this.name + ':'];
str.push(` Crew:`);
str.push(` ${this.captain}`);
str.push(` Engines:`);
str.push(` ${this.primaryEngineCount}x ${this.primaryEngines}`);
if (this.secondaryEngineCount > 0) str.push(` ${this.secondaryEngineCount}x ${this.secondaryEngines}`);
str.push(` Modules:`);
str.push(' ' + this.modules.map((m) => m.toString()).join(EOL + ' '));
str.push(` Stats:`);
str.push(` Total Thrust: ${this.totalThrust} tons`);
str.push(` Total Mass: ${this.totalMass} kg`);
return str.join(EOL);
// Optionally provide a seed (same seed + same operations = same result)
const ctx = new Context(2187);
const fleet = ctx.create(Spaceship, 3);
console.log(fleet.map(ship => ship.toString()).join(''));
// Prints out ALL the ship details...
import { Stuffd, Context } from 'stuffd';
import { Key, Guid, Custom, Range, Str, Ref, Integer, Float } from 'stuffd/decorators';
class Student {
@Key() @Guid()
id: string;
@Custom(c => `${c.first()} ${c.last()}`)
name: string;
@Range(new Date('01/01/1950'), new Date('12/31/2010'))
dateOfBirth: Date;
phone: string;
class Teacher {
@Key() @Guid()
id: string;
@Custom(c => `${c.first()} ${c.last()}`)
name: string;
class Class {
id: string;
teacherId: string;
@Integer(1, 9)
period: number;
class Grade {
studentId: string;
@Ref(Class, 'id')
classId: string;
@Float(1, 60, 100)
grade: number;
const ctx = new Context(246);
// Create array of 50 students...
const students = ctx.create(Student, 50);
// [...]
const teachers = ctx.create(Teacher, 3);
// [...]
// Create array of 5 classes referencing a teacher's id from the 3 in that list...
const classes = ctx.using({ 'teacherId': teachers }).create(Class, 5);
// [...]
// Create array of grades, using the 3 classes above for the classId and making one for each student.
const grades = ctx.using({ 'classId': classes }).cross({ 'studentId': students }).create(Grade);
// [...]
const isStudent = students[0] instanceof Student;
// true
// Get an object with all the instances created...
const allData = ctx.data();
// { "Student": [...], "Teacher": [...], etc. }
const allJson = ctx.json(true); // Formatted
// '{ "Student": [...], "Teacher": [...], etc. }'
// Pipe the data somewhere!
// { "type": "Student", "value": { ... } }
// Pipe the JSON somewhere!
// (same as above but 1 per line)
// Docs coming soon! (see ~/examples/stuffd.typescript.ts for example)
stuffd run default --seed 2319
stuffd create Spaceship 2 > ships.json
- Fork it
npm i
npm run watch
- Make changes and write tests.
- Send pull request! ๐