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Releases: Jire/Overwatcheat


30 Dec 08:11
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  • Added in-game UI toggling (with toggle setting toggle_key_codes) for better aim data accuracy
  • In-game UI toggling key combo setting (toggle_key_codes) to adjust the in-game UI toggle key combo (uses virtual key codes, so supports every keyboard language/layout!)
  • Toggle UI runs on a separate thread, so it doesn't slow down the aim thread
  • Added aim CPU thread affinity locking for lower jitter / better aim consistency (set with aim_cpu_thread_affinity_index setting, -1 to disable)
  • Added custom FastAbs absolute-value calculator with higher performance to replace Math.abs
  • Made flicking use precise sleeping for lower jitter / higher performance (+ improved settings documentation)
  • Removed overlay for faster Gradle builds (will be replaced with DirectX direct frame draws in future)
  • Switched Threads to use non-deprecated exec method for grabbing number of cores
  • Upgraded Kotlin to 1.8.0 (stable version)
  • Cleaned up start.bat generation to not have unnecessary indentation
  • Fixed KotlinProjectPlugin unused parameter warning
  • Disabled distZip & startShadowScripts Gradle tasks for improved build performance


16 Dec 06:07
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  • Massively improved aim accuracy and consistency
  • Now requires JDK 19+
  • Utilizes Project Panama for GetKeyState and Interception calls
  • Improved AimBotThread to use precise busy-sleeping


14 Dec 13:49
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  • Kotlin upgraded to 1.8.0-RC
  • Gradle upgraded to 7.6
  • JavaCV upgraded to 1.5.8
  • Vis-UI upgraded to 1.5.1
  • Cleaned up FrameGrabber code


17 Oct 06:46
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  • Kotlin upgraded to 1.7.20
  • Gradle upgraded to 7.5.1
  • Kotlin-Script for Gradle, rather than Groovy
  • Separated Gradle build into gradle-build composite build
  • All dependencies upgraded to latest versions
  • Base package changed from com.overwatcheat to org.jire.overwatcheat
  • Main file renamed from Overwatcheat to Main


28 Apr 06:57
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  • New aim system using nanoseconds
  • Advanced randomized smoothing for aim
  • Internally redid settings system, to make adding new settings easier


02 Apr 03:56
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  • Fixed window title searching to prioritize exact matches first


01 Apr 04:36
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  • Redone hit scanning system, now determines full box size to determine aim position
  • Introduced overlay which will display where tracked targets are located
  • Improved defaults for aim offset x/y
  • Separated out some methods for improved optimization


27 Mar 20:32
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  • Separated the aiming and frame-scanning into separate threads
  • This allows more granular settings:
    • aim_duration_millis lets you control how "snappy" aiming is
    • aim_jitter_percent lets you control how human-like aiming is
    • fps no longer effects aim speed, but rather just positional accuracy!


26 Mar 01:01
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  • Massively cleaned up & simplified the entire codebase
  • Removed the need for BufferedImage conversion via FrameConverter (significant performance improvement from this!)
  • Aim offset setting
  • Improved defaults to match what most people's settings are


25 Mar 12:07
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  • Completely redid the aiming mechanism
  • Vastly improved aim performance; CPU usage reduced while far more accurate
  • Multiple target colors instead of one for increased palette selection