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Adrian Preuß edited this page May 13, 2021 · 6 revisions

WARNING: Please be careful with the settings. If no password is set, any player can change the bots.

You can find more information on the Protection page.

You can use Chat-Commands to manage the mod and their bots, just type the wanted command in the chat.

👥 Static bot spawn

For spawning bots in different Groupings. These bots don't move from their own.

Command Description
!row <number> <opt: spacing> N/A
!tower <number> <opt: spacing> N/A
!grid <rows> <opt: collums> <opt: spacing> N/A

👤 Static bot commands

With these commands you can set the static bots to mimic or mirror your behavior.

Command Description
!mimic bots copy all your movement
!mirror bots mirror you movement
!static bots don't move at all

🏃 Moving bot spawn

With these commands you can spawn moving bots. To spawn bots on a way, you have to trace a path at first.

Command Description
!spawnbots <number> default command. Spawns bots on valid paths
!spawnway <number> <opt: trace-index> N/A
!spawnline <number> <opt: spacing> N/A

👯 Moving bot settings

Some settings for the moving bots. If you use respawn, all Bots will respawn after they have been killed.

Command Description
!run* N/A
!walk* N/A
!crouch* N/A
!prone* N/A
!respawn <opt: 0> N/A
!shoot <opt: 0> N/A

[*] only for simple moving bots (line)

📹 Path recording settings

With these commands you can record a path that can be used by bots (spawn way).

WARNING: Since the last release, shortcuts are modified!

Command Shortcut Description
!trace <opt: index> F5 N/A
!tracedone <kbd>F6</kbd> N/A
!setpoint <opt: index> F7 N/A
!clearpoints <opt: index> F8 N/A
!savepaths F12 CAUTION: Server does't react anymore on this command. Just wait till done
!clearalltraces F9 N/A
!printtrans F10 N/A

🔅 More settings / commands

Here are some more commands. Partly not tested jet.

Command Description
!spawnsameteam <opt: 0> N/A
!setbotkit <value: 0-4> 0 = random
!setbotColor <value: 0-14> 0 = random
!stop N/A
!stopall N/A
!kick <opt: number> if no arg: 1
!kickteam <1 / 2> N/A
!kickall N/A
!kill N/A
!killall N/A