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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


This is the simplest approach to show VIPER pattern. Demonstrates switching between two Views. Focus on references between objects(Presenter, View, Router) and show how everything initialise, connected and de-initialise.



  • Protocols
  • Delegates


  • Once the view is "loaded", the configurator creates Presenter, Interactor, Router.
  • Interactor does nothing in this demo (there is no logic and data management)
  • Once you press the button -> Presenter listens to View and asks Router to do his job.
  • The new screen appears. In console you can monitor creation, connections.
  • Once you close the View, console will print all "de-init".

Console output: openButtonClicked SomeRouter was asked to showSecond() Configurator init Presenter init(viewcontroller:) Presenter.viewcontroller - weak -> viewcontroller Interactor init(presenter:) Interactor.presenter - weak -> presenter Router init(viewController:) Router.viewController - weak -> viewController ViewController -> presenter Presenter.router -> router Presenter.interactor -> interactor Presenter closeClicked() SecondViewController viewWillDisappear(:) SecondViewController viewDidDisappear(:) Presenter deinit Interactor deinit Router deinit Configurator de-init