This is a little description
Data from the calibration experiments are in FingerSensor/MATLAB/force_distance_exprmnt/. exp#4 has the values of force and distance at different mixing ratios for a white target; distance_axis[dist(cm)=[0.5:0.5:3 4:1:10], current(mA)=20:20:200], force_axis[frce(g)={0,5,10,20,50,100,200,500}, current(mA)=20:20:200]. exp#5 has sensor values at different thickness of PDMS film for five different color targets; axis[-frce(N)|dist(cm)=-6:1:5, current(mA)=40:40:200].
Data files for the graspEventDetection experiment are in FingerSensor/ros_finger_sensor/scripts/trialGraspEventDetection_dataFiles folder. (CHECK path for saving!.) is the main pcontroller, mainly used in the grasp event detection experiment. and are variants of it using fingertip sensors and used in graspsuccess event experiment. (I wont bother checking them.)