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Jory Hogeveen edited this page May 31, 2024 · 32 revisions
  • Fix: Event bubbling for select elements #130
  • Fix: Check if removable query args exists before adding removal script on front-end

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Enhancement: RTL support. #122
  • Enhancement: User context for checking the edit_user capability.
  • Enhancement: Enhance front-end CSS by preventing theme overrides. #120
  • Enhancement/Fix: JSON/REST call checks.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Enhancement: Added hooks vaa_view_admin_as_reset_all_views, vaa_view_admin_as_cleanup_views, vaa_view_admin_as_reset_view, vaa_view_admin_as_update_view.
  • Enhancement/Compatibility: Fix compatibility issue with MetaSlider block preview (JSON/AJAX requests) #117
  • Compatibility: Fixed issues with capability filters overwriting available capabilities.
  • Compatibility: Remove redundant canonical tag. #119
  • Compatibility: WordPress 5.7 UI.
  • Fixed: Missing textdomain parameter.
  • Refactor: Added action logs.
  • Refactor: Enhance view type classes.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Compatibility: WordPress 5.4 apply_shortcodes() function. #111
  • Compatibility: Add Google Site Kit capabilities. #110
  • Compatibility: User Role Editor capability filter format. #112
  • Enhancement: Always show force-ajax-users setting to optionally prevent query.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Compatibility: CSS compatibility for WP 5.3
  • Compatibility: Roles are now translated in all cases since WP 5.2.
  • Enhancement: JS performance.
  • Enhancement: Enhance AJAX checks.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Enhancement: Role Manager: Reload when in a user view and the user's role has been modified. #105
  • Compatibility: WordPress 5.2 admin bar arrow icon update. WP Core #37513
  • Compatibility: Dark Mode (Github)
  • Fix: Role Defaults: Only return screen setting overwrite if found. #104
  • API: Added API method is_view_active(). (Documentation)

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Compatibility: Users always have the exists capability. Go to issue
  • Compatibility: WordPress 4.9.6 privacy capabilities.
  • API: Added several API methods & enhancements.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Enhancement/Fix: Support AJAX search in the Role Defaults module. #100
  • Enhancement: Add support for X-Redirect-By header since WordPress 5.0. #42313
  • Enhancement: Improve uninstall script.
  • Enhancement: Use latest WPCS v1.1 update and fix code standard notices.
  • UI: Change the default top level node text to "View As" (same as Facebook uses).
  • Updated: Screenshots

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Support searching users by multiple user columns like email, url, etc. #95
  • Feature: User setting to force AJAX search for users. #96
  • Feature: New filter: view_admin_as_user_ajax_search to force AJAX search for user at all times.
  • Fix: Prevent "form changed" popup which showed in various pages. #93
  • Enhancement: Improve Pods Framework compatibility when in a view.
  • Enhancement: Improve getting view data on load.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: View combinations UI. #18
  • Feature/Enhancement: Limit user query to max 100 users for performance. Switch to AJAX search if there are more users than this limit. #19
  • Accessibility: New filter: view_admin_as_user_query_limit to change the limit used to query users.
  • Accessibility: New filters: vaa_admin_bar_view_title_role & vaa_admin_bar_view_title_user & vaa_admin_bar_view_title_locale to change the titles for role, users and languages.
  • Accessibility: New filter: vaa_admin_bar_view_title_user_show_roles to remove the roles from user nodes.
  • Accessibility: New filter: view_admin_as_full_access_capabilities for single site installations to change the capabilities required to gain full access to this plugin.
  • Enhancement: Use a class autoloader.
  • Enhancement: Stop using the rel attribute for view type data.
  • Enhancement: Access validation logic.
  • Compatibility: Patch Yoast SEO compatibility. Yoast SEO #9365
  • Refactoring: Action/Filter hook manager class. #77
  • Refactoring: Refactor all view types as separate modules. #84
  • Fix: Use prop instead of attr for checked attributes in checkbox inputs.
  • Updated/Added: Screenshots.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Compatibility: Improve customizer compatibility. #88
  • Compatibility/Fix: Frontend error with Yoast SEO. Yoast SEO #9285

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Role manager: Option to migrate users to another role after deleting a role. #86
  • Enhancement: Enhance user full access validation for single installations. Not only check for super admin but also the capabilities edit_users and delete_plugins.
  • Enhancement: Add customizer support and a new setting to disable this. #26
  • Enhancement: Compatibility with $_SERVER['ORIG_REQUEST_URI'] for removable query args on front end. #87
  • UI: Support SVG and file icons + Base64 encoded strings.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Language switcher. #81
  • Enhancement: Store options network wide instead of per blog/site if network/multisite is enabled.
  • Enhancement: Action links (no-JS) on frontend.
  • Enhancement: Add filter view_admin_as_freeze_locale to overwrite user setting.
  • Fix: JavaScript init on frontend.
  • UI: Various minor enhancements.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Role defaults / Role manager: download export data as file + import from file. #73
  • Enhancement: Refresh page instead of redirect to home when switching to a site visitor on the frontend. #76
  • Enhancement: Role Manager: Refresh the page if a role is updated while active in the current view.
  • Enhancement: jQuery selector performance.
  • Compatibility: WP 4.9 capabilities.
  • Compatibility: WP Admin UI Customize admin bar editor. #40 & WAUC/#1 & WAUC/#2
  • Compatibility: Fix issue with Restrict User Access. RUA/#15
  • Compatibility: Fetch all capabilities from Yoast SEO (5.5+).
  • Compatibility: Must-use plugin loader scripts.
  • UI: The almighty View Admin As loader icon.
  • UI: Full opacity when semi-transparent group nodes are opened.
  • UI: Admin page links for Groups and Restrict User Access modules.
  • UI: Resizable checkbox wrappers.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Role Manager: Import/Export roles. #51 & PR #62
  • Feature/Enhancement: Option to disable super admin status when a view is active and modifies the current user. #53 & PR #61
  • Enhancement: Role Manager: Show custom capabilities that are not yet stored but used in an active caps view #70
  • Enhancement: Prevent duplicate names when fetching capabilities from WP objects.
  • Enhancement: Allow this plugin to be installed as a must-use plugin. #71
  • Enhancement: Role Defaults: Enhance meta key comparison.
  • UI: Option tooltips. #67
  • UI: Enhance full popup caps view.
  • Refactoring: Fix base class name.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Integration with the "Groups" plugin. Introduces a new view type groups when this plugin is activated. #11
  • Fix: auto max height didn't work on frontend. #55
  • Fix: Role Manager used boolval() which is only available in PHP 5.5+. #63
  • Fix: view_admin_as_superior_admins filter was not working for single installations. #65
  • Compatibility: Allow other plugins to overwrite our user_has_cap filter by setting it's priority as first (large negative number). #56. Thanks to @pbiron for the report.
  • Compatibility: Run the user_has_cap filter in your map_meta_cap filter. #56
  • Compatibility: Add new network capabilities (WP 4.8) to the list. #64
  • Enhancement: Automatic JS handling for simple and more advanced options. #60
  • Enhancement: Role defaults: Rename all wildcard to __all__ to prevent a possible conflict with custom roles.
  • Enhancement: Role defaults: Add recording indicator icon to the top level node when a role view is active.
  • Refactoring: Move form logic to separate class and extend it (admin bar)

Detailed info: PR on GitHub & Groups integration PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Module Role Manager: Rename roles. #47
  • Enhancement: Improve fetching available capabilities for a super admin. It now also checks for registered custom post type and taxonomy capabilities and more other plugins.
  • Compatibility: Also use the user_has_cap filter besides map_meta_cap to further improve capability and role view compatibility.
  • UI: Add submenu scrollbar when there are too much users under a role. #49
  • UI: Module Role Manager: Show original role name for reference.
  • Accessibility: Fix tabindex for some nodes that have form elements.
  • Updated: Screenshots.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: New module Role manager. Add, edit and/or remove roles and grant or deny them capabilities. #43
  • Feature: Module Role Defaults: Added the option to copy defaults from one role to another (or multiple). #44
  • Enhancement/UI: Enable and Improve responsive styles/a11y. #16
  • Enhancement/UI: Improved the autoHeight calculation (submenu and popup).
  • Enhancement: View combinations now working in code (No UI). #18
  • Enhancement: Major code refactoring for better standards en easier development.
  • Maintenance: Validated compatibility with "Restrict User Access" (RUA) plugin v0.14. #31
  • Compatibility: Tested with WordPress 4.8 (alpha) and requires WordPress 4.1 or higher (was 3.5).
  • Fix: Fixed all major CodeClimate issues. All green now!
  • Updated: Wiki (documentation).
  • Updated/Added: Screenshots & Banners.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Integration with the "Restrict User Access" (RUA) plugin. Introduces a new view type "access levels" when this plugin is activated. #31
  • Enhancement: Improve compatibility with plugins that use the current user object. Related: #32
  • Enhancement: Improve compatibility with plugins that use the role objects.
  • Enhancement: Redirect to homepage when selecting the visitor view.
  • Enhancement: Integrate with the capability groups in plugin "User Role Editor".
  • Fix: Started to use CodeClimate for style checks + applied fixes. #37

Detailed info: PR on GitHub & RUA integration PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Meta sync manager UI for the role defaults module. #28
  • Feature: Multiple import methods for the role defaults module. #27
  • Enhancement: Also update the current user object's capabilities and roles to improve support for other plugins. #32
  • Other minor improvements.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: A new view! You can now see your site as an unregistered visitor (no need to switch browsers). #14
  • Enhancement: Reduced queries for getting the available users to 1! Performance improvement to the native WP function get_users() (with fallback if needed). #24
  • Enhancement: Add all existing roles that have defaults to the clear list even if they have been removed from WP. #22
  • Enhancement: Enable the current view as a capability filter.
  • Enhancement: Highlight the view capabilities in the capability menu.
  • Enhancement: Pass view data as JSON (enhances compatibility with weird capability identifiers since WP doesn’t escape these so it could contain special characters).
  • Enhancement/Fix: Compatibility with the editable_roles filter for non super admins.
  • Fix: Hide our toolbar in the customizer preview. Switching in the WP Customizer not possible (yet).
  • Fix: Improve capability view handling.
  • Other minor fixes.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Freeze locale, force your own locale setting over that of a selected view. (Requires WP 4.7). #21
  • Enhancement: Added a11y keyboard tab indexes.
  • Fix: Reloading when anchor tags are set in the url. #17
  • Other minor fixes.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Lock meta boxes. #9
  • Feature: View as links in user management page. #12
  • Enhancement: Better admin bar handling when set to hidden by user. #4
    • Also adds an option to hide/show our toolbar when now view is selected and the admin bar is not shown.
  • Enhancement: Better handling for permission errors. #10
  • Compatibility: Show our custom capabilities on role manage plugins like Members.
  • Compatibility: PHP 5.2 (WP minimum).
  • Fix: Occasional issues with enabling the Role Defaults module.
  • Refactor: Multiple classes for more flexibility in future development.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Feature: Switch between super admins on network pages (currently only available for superior admins, see view_admin_as_superior_admins filter).
  • Enhancement: Better handling of role defaults for new users.
  • Enhancement: Also hide the screen options for all users who can access this plugin default functionalities but can’t access the role defaults module.
  • UX: Confirm before deleting role defaults.
  • UI: Translate user roles in front end (WP issue workaround).
  • UI: Fix icon sizes across browsers.
  • Compatibility: Tested for WordPress 4.6.

Detailed info: PR on GitHub

  • Fix: minor bug with displaying role names.
  • Fix: minor bug with displaying role defaults menu item.


  • Feature: Added the view_admin_as_superior_admins filter. Grant admins the capability to view other admins. There is no UI for this!
  • Enhancement: (Module Role Defaults) Added forbidden meta keys to make sure user entered keys (filter) are ok to use.
  • Enhancement: (Settings tab) Add the option to group users under their roles. This option is only available when there are less than 15 users and roles, otherwise this is default.
  • Enhancement: view_admin_as_role_defaults capability for access to the “Role Defaults” module when a user isn’t a super admin.
  • Performance: Less queries for user validation.
  • Fix: (Module Role Defaults) Problem solved with unsetting meta keys.
  • Fix: Problem solved with anchor tags preventing javascript from reloading.
  • Fix: Problem solved with reset button on single switch mode.
  • UI: Move “Role Defaults” to the top.
  • UI: Remove the reset button when no view is selected.
  • UI: Added some of those pretty dashicons.
  • UI: Allow titles to toggle content.
  • Resource: Started with


  • Feature: view_admin_as capability for non-admin users to enable limited access to this plugin (they won’t be able to view or edit equal or admin users and roles). This capability requires the edit_users capability (+ manage_network_users for multisite installations).
  • Feature: Ability to disable the “screen settings” option for all users that don’t have access to this plugin.
  • Fix: die_handler for https.
  • Fix: Reset currently loaded metadata aswell when resetting a view (refresh is no longer needed, minor bug in 1.5).
  • Added: Notices on compatibility errors.


  • Upgrade notice: The plugin code changed a lot, please clear your cache after updating.
  • Feature: Import and export functions for module “Role defaults”.
  • Feature: (Settings tab) View mode “browse” and “single”.
  • Feature: (Settings tab) Change location of this plugin menu.
  • Enhancement: Better capability filter (used for changing capabilities and roles).
  • Enhancement: Added some actions for extension purposes.
  • Enhancement: Better version compare.
  • Enhancement: Better code standards and data validation.
  • Compatibility: Backwards compatibility until WP 3.5+ (3.8+ is highly recommended, 4.0+ is best!).
  • Security: Better data validation and usage of a nonce (allthough in this case I don’t think it made any difference for actual security, it’s still good to implement proper security!).
  • i18n: All translations are now managed with
  • Updated: Screenshots.


  • Enhancement: Improve how capabilities are fetched.
  • Enhancement: Usage of a single instance of the class.
  • Compatibility: Tested with WordPress 4.5-Beta4.


  • Feature: Module “Role defaults” to set default screen settings for roles and apply them on users through various bulk actions.
  • Enhancement: DB version storage and update functions.
  • Enhancement: A lot of code improvements and some deprecated fixes.
  • i18n: Stopped using WordPress default translations since some where not correct for this plugin. All translations are now managed with the plugin.
  • Compatibility: Also tested with WordPress 4.5-Beta1.


  • Enhancement: View settings are saved separately for each browser login so you can set different views at the same time if you use different browsers. (incognito also works!).
  • Enhancement: View settings are saved for 24 hours. After that they are cleared automatically. (login triggers cleanup).
  • Enhancement: Better Ajax handlers.
  • Enhancement: Better storage handlers.
  • Enhancement: uninstall.php added for cleanup all data. (Sadly does not work for large networks of 10000+ sites or users).
  • Compatibility: Tested with WordPress 4.5-Beta1.


  • Enhancement: Changed “init” hook to “plugins_loaded” for theme support (found some issues with the Genesis Framework, this solved it).


  • Feature: Added the ability to filter capabilities by the role defaults (normal and reversed).


  • Compatibility: Capability filter improved.
  • Fix: constructor for PHP7.
  • Fix: Stop loading css and scripts on frontend when no view is selected and the adminbar is disabled.
  • Enhancement: Added version tag to css and scripts.


  • Feature: Added the ability to (non-destructively) change your own capabilities.
  • Feature: Added reset link on the “access denied” page when a view is selected.
  • Enhancement: Remove ‘reset-view’ from address bar when selecting a new view.
  • Added: capability screenshots.
  • Added: FAQ.
  • Compatibility: Tested with WordPress 4.4-Beta4.


  • Added support for users with multiple roles.
  • Enabled switching to admin users for multisites (switching to super admins is always disabled!).


Warning fixed.


  • Support i18n functionality (currently only English and Dutch, translators are welcome!!) – Note: I use default WordPress strings aswell.
  • When grouped (10+ users): show number of users per role.
  • When grouped (10+ users): ability to search for users by their username.
  • Disable forcing the admin bar when in default view (Off).
  • Some extra code and style improvements.


  • Sort users by their role.
  • Group users under their roles when there are more than 10 users.
  • Make current user or role bold in dropdown + add eye icon.
  • Improve compatibility with Pods Framework.
  • Added css for style improvements.
  • Some extra code improvements.


Created from nothingness just to be one of the cool kids. Yay!