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Julia package for manipulation and analysis of planar geometric objects


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LibGEOS is a package for manipulation and analysis of planar geometric objects, based on the libraries GEOS (the engine of PostGIS) and JTS (from which GEOS is ported). This package wraps the GEOS C API, see its usage and reference docs.

Among other things, it allows you to parse Well-known Text (WKT).

p1 = readgeom("POLYGON((0 0,1 0,1 1,0 0))")
p2 = readgeom("POLYGON((0 0,1 0,1 1,0 1,0 0))")
p3 = readgeom("POLYGON((2 0,3 0,3 1,2 1,2 0))")

Example 1

Add a buffer around them

g1 = buffer(p1, 0.5)
g2 = buffer(p2, 0.5)
g3 = buffer(p3, 0.5)

Example 2

and take the union of different geometries

polygon = LibGEOS.union(g1, g3)

Example 3

GEOS functionality is extensive, so coverage is incomplete, but the basic functionality for working with geospatial data is already available. I'm learning as I go along, so documentation is lacking, but if you're interested, you can have a look at the examples in the examples/ folder, or the tests in test/test_geo_interface.jl and test/test_geos_operations.jl.

Conversion to/from GeoInterface objects

GeoInterface.jl compatible geometries from many packages including GeometryBasics.jl, Shapefile.jl, GeoJSON.jl, KML.jl, ArchGDAL.jl, GADM.jl and others can be easily converted to LibGEOS geometries using:

GeoInterface.convert(LibGEOS, other_package_geometry)

To broadcast this over a vector or iterable we need to use Ref on LibGEOS:

GeoInterface.convert.(Ref(LibGEOS), iterable_of_geometries)

The same applies in reverse, such as for interop with the Makie.jl/GeometryBasics.jl ecosystem:

GeoInterface.convert(GeometryBasics, libgeos_geometry)

For packages like Shapefile.jl and GeoJSON.jl, converting to their objects isn't possible, as theyre not particularly useful on their own. Instead, we can just write directly:

Shapefile.write("myfile.shp", libgeos_geometry)

GeoInterface methods

GeoInterace.jl OGC standards methods work on LibGEOS objects:

  • GeoInterface.distance
  • GeoInterface.buffer
  • GeoInterface.convexhull
  • GeoInterface.equals
  • GeoInterface.disjoint
  • GeoInterface.intersects
  • GeoInterface.touches
  • GeoInterface.within
  • GeoInterface.contains
  • GeoInterface.overlaps
  • GeoInterface.crosses
  • GeoInterface.symdifference
  • GeoInterface.difference
  • GeoInterface.intersection
  • GeoInterface.union

See the GeoInterface.jl API docs for details.

Exported LibGEOS geometries:

  • GeometryCollection
  • LineString
  • LinearRing
  • MultiLineString
  • MultiPoint
  • MultiPolygon
  • Point
  • Polygon
  • STRtree

Exported LibGEOS functions:

  • area
  • boundary
  • buffer
  • bufferWithStyle
  • centroid
  • constrainedDelaunayTriangulation
  • containsproperly
  • convexhull
  • coveredby
  • covers
  • crosses
  • delaunayTriangulation
  • delaunayTriangulationEdges
  • difference
  • disjoint
  • distance
  • endPoint
  • envelope
  • equals
  • equalsexact
  • exteriorRing
  • geomLength
  • getGeometries
  • getGeometry
  • getPrecision
  • getXMax
  • getXMin
  • getYMax
  • getYMin
  • hasZ
  • hausdorffdistance
  • interiorRing
  • interiorRings
  • interpolate
  • interpolateNormalized
  • intersection
  • intersects
  • isClosed
  • isEmpty
  • isRing
  • isSimple
  • isValid
  • lineMerge
  • minimumRotatedRectangle
  • nearestPoints
  • node
  • numGeometries
  • numPoints
  • overlaps
  • pointOnSurface
  • polygonize
  • prepareGeom
  • project
  • projectNormalized
  • query
  • readgeom
  • setPrecision
  • sharedPaths
  • simplify
  • snap
  • startPoint
  • symmetricDifference
  • topologyPreserveSimplify
  • touches
  • unaryUnion
  • union
  • uniquePoints
  • within
  • writegeom


  1. At the Julia prompt, run
pkg> add LibGEOS

This will install both the Julia package and GEOS shared libraries together. The GEOS build comes from GEOS_jll, and the build script can be found in Yggdrasil.

  1. Test that LibGEOS works by runnning
pkg> test LibGEOS


  • All GeoInterface.jl compatible geometries will work in LibGEOS without conversion.
  • Makie support for LibGEOS is available via LibGEOSMakie.jl
  • LibGEOS integrates with GeoInterface.jl making it easy to combine LibGEOS with other geometry packages.