- amd64
- arm/v6
- arm/v7
- arm64/v8
Command-line tool for accessing Scalyr services. The following commands are currently supported:
- query: Retrieve log data
- power-query: Execute PowerQuery
- numeric-query: Retrieve numeric / graph data
- facet-query: Retrieve common values for a field
- timeseries-query: Retrieve numeric / graph data from a timeseries
- get-file: Fetch a configuration file
- put-file: Create or update a configuration file
- delete-file: Delete a configuration file
- list-files: List all configuration files
- tail: Provide a live 'tail' of a log
docker buildx build --push --platform linux/arm/v6,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64/v8 --tag justsky/scalyr-tool .
Using Dockerhub
docker run -h scalyr -i justsky/scalyr-tool --token <API TOKEN> <commands>
Using Github
docker run -h scalyr -i ghcr.io/just5ky/scalyr-tool:main --token <API TOKEN> <commands>