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The Big Crunch is the collapse of all that exists within our universe to a singularity. Just as this code is the coalescence of everything required to run GMU's observatory.

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Welcome to -OmegaLambda

This is the complete code for automating the campus telescope at the George Mason University Observatory.

I. Installation

To install, simply download the repository into any directory you'd like, and make sure that you have all of the requirements from the requirements.txt file installed as well. Python >= 3.8 is required. The code has been optimized for a Windows environment and there has been no testing done on other OSs.

You can also use:

git clone

Also make sure you install the module by running pip install . from your omegalambda directory. This will allow you to import it from anywhere and run the CLI from anywhere. We currently don't have any unit tests to run (possibly a future goal), since the scale of the project is relatively small and easy to manage, but you are free to inspect the code to see its inner workings. The weather module can also be run independently since it does not depend on any hardware connections.

Please note that since the code requires Python >= 3.8, you may wish to make a separate environment for this module, whether that be a conda environment or a Python virtual environment.

II. Modules

A. Config

The config module contains basic configuration files for the code in the .json format. Each configuration parameter is explained in the docstring for said parameter's software object, and also later in the relevant sections of this readme. The parameters_config file is for general code configurations, logging is for the logging module, and fw_config is for the filter wheel positions.

B. Logger

The logger module is pretty self-explanatory, it handles the logging messages and log file writing of the code. We use a rotating file handler, keeping backups of the previous 9 logs before overwriting the oldest ones. The logger can be initiated by this simple example:

    from omegalambda.logger.logger import Logger

    log = Logger(r'C:\Users\[username]\omegalambda\omegalambda\config\logging.json')

And that's it! A log file will now be automatically generated until the logger is stopped by calling Logger.stop().

C. Input/Output (IO) and Datatypes

The main/common/IO directory includes the main file reader object (Reader) that converts these .json files into Python dictionaries. These are then fed to the ObjectReader which sorts them into the appropriate datatype to be deserialzed. One of these objects is the Config class in It has the following attributes:

    cooler_setpoint : INT, FLOAT, optional
        Setpoint in C when running camera cooler.  Our default is -30 C.
    cooler_idle_setpoint : INT, FLOAT, optional
        Setpoint in C when not running camera cooler.  Our default is +5 C.
    cooler_settle_time : INT, optional
        Time in minutes given for the cooler to settle to its setpoint. Our default is 5-10 minutes.
    maximum_jog : INT, optional
        Maximum distance in arcseconds to be used for the telescope jog function. Our default is 1800 arcseconds.
    site_latitude : FLOAT, optional
        Latitude at the telescope location.  Our default is +38.828 degrees.
    site_longitude : FLOAT, optional
        Longitude at the telescope location.  Our default is -77.305 degrees.
    site_altitude : FLOAT, optional
        Altitude above sea level at the telescope location.  Our default is 154 meters.
    humidity_limit : INT, optional
        Limit for humidity while observing.  Our default is 85%.
    wind_limit : INT, optional
        Limit for wind speed in mph while observing.  Our default is 20 mph.
    weather_freq : INT, optional
        Frequency of weather checks in minutes.  Our default is 10 minutes.
    cloud_cover_limit : FLOAT, optional
        Limit for percentage of sky around Fairfax to be covered by clouds before closing up.
        Our default is 75%.
    cloud_saturation_limit: FLOAT, optional
        Minimum pixel value that represents a clouds in the satellite image.  Our default is 100.
    rain_percent_limit: FLOAT, optional
        Limit for the percentage of rain present in 1/4 of the field surveyed before shutting down (two tiles
        out of the four must pass this threshold).  Our default is 5%.
    user_agent : STR, optional
        Internet user agent for connections, specifically to  Our default is Mozilla/5.0.
    cloud_satellite : STR, optional
        Which satellite to use to check for cloud cover.  Currently only supports goes-16.  Our default is goes-16.
    weather_api_key : STR, optional
        The api key to search for in's api.  Sometimes changes and needs an update.  Should be a regex
        search string.
    min_reopen_time : INT or FLOAT, optional
        Minimum wait time to reopen (in minutes) after a weather check has gone off.  Our default is 30 minutes.
    plate_scale : FLOAT, optional
        CCD camera conversion factor between pixels and arcseconds, in arcseconds/pixel.  Our default is
        0.350 arcseconds/pixel.
    saturation : INT, optional
        CCD camera saturation limit for exposure in counts.  This is more like the exposure linearity limit, after
        which you'd prefer not to have targets pass.  Our default is 25,000 counts.
    focus_exposure_multiplier : FLOAT, optional
        Multiplier for exposure times on focusing images.  The multiplier is applied to the exposure time for the
        current ticket.  Our default is 0.33.
    initial_focus_delta : INT, optional
        Initial number of steps the focuser will move for each adjustment.  Our default is 15 steps.
    focus_temperature_constant : FLOAT, optional
        Relationship between focuser steps and degrees Fahrenheit, in steps/degF.  Our default is 2 steps/degF.
    focus_iterations : INT, optional
        The total number of exposures to take at the beginning of the night while focusing.  Our default is 11.
    focus_adjust_frequency : FLOAT or INT, optional
        How often the focus will adjust over the course of the night, in minutes.  Our default is 15 minutes.
    focus_max_distance : INT, optional
        Maximum distance away from the initial focus position that the focuser can move.  Our default is 100 steps.
    guiding_threshold : FLOAT, optional
        How far to let a star drift, in arcseconds, before making a guiding correction. Our default is 10
    guider_ra_dampening : FLOAT, optional
        Dampening coefficient for guider telescope corrections on the RA axis.  Our default is 0.75.
    guider_dec_dampening : FLOAT, optional
        Dampening coefficient for guider telescope corrections on the Dec axis.  Our default is 0.5.
    guider_max_move : FLOAT, optional
        The maximum distance in arcseconds that the guider can make adjustments for.  Our default is 30 arcseconds.
    guider_angle : FLOAT, optional
        The clocking angle of the CCD camera's x and y axes against the RA and Dec axes of the telescope, in
        degrees.  This is defined as the angle between the +x axis and the +RA axis, by rotating counterclockwise
        in the reference frame where RA increases to the left and Dec increases upwards.
        (i.e. counterclockwise angles in this frame are positive, while clockwise angles are negative).
        0.0 degrees corresponds to alignment between +x/+y and +RA/+Dec.  Our default is 180 degrees.
    guider_flip_y : BOOL, optional
        This supports guider axes configurations that are mirrored with respect to a simple guider angle flip.
        If True, this will flip the y axis of the guider.
        This would correspond to configurations that, at a 0 degree guider angle, would have +x aligned with +RA
        while +y is aligned with -Dec.  Or similarly if the guider angle is 180 degrees, +x aligns with -RA while
        +y aligns with +Dec.  Our default is False.
    data_directory : STR, optional
        Where images and other data are saved on the computer.  Our default is
        H:/Observatory Files/Observing Sessions/2020_Data.
    calibration_time : STR, optional
        If darks and flats should be taken at the start or end of a given observing session.  Can be str "start"
        or "end."  If "start", it will take darks and flats for ALL observing tickets at the start of the night.
        If "end", it will take darks and flats for all FINISHED tickets at the end of the night.
        Our default is "end".
    calibration_num : INT, optional
        The number of darks and flats that should be taken per target.  Note that there will be one set of flats
        with this number of exposures, but two sets of darks, each with this number of exposures: one to match
        the flat exposure time and the other to match the science exposure time.  Our default is 10.

As you can see, this object contains general configuration parameters that affect nearly every aspect of how the code runs. The only methods associated with this object are the serialized() and deserialized() methods, the latter of which is a staticmethod used to convert json.loads objects into Config objects, and the former of which is used to convert a Config object back into a Python dictionary. These two methods are common throughout the FilterWheel and ObservationTicket objects as well.

The main/common/datatype folder contains the software implementations of some of the other input datatypes. Among these are the FilterWheel type, with the following attributes:

    position_1 - position_8 : str
        Each position will be the name/label of the filter in said position (i.e. "r" for red filter).
        For readability, each position is labeled by a str "position_X" rather than just an int X.

and the ObservationTicket type. Observation Tickets are the method by which our code is instructed to observe a certain target on a given night. As such, an observation ticket object contains all the necessary information about a target for the code to collect data on it. ObservationTicket objects have the following attributes:

    name : str, optional
        Name of intended target, ex: TOI1234.01 . The default is None.
    ra : float, str, optional
        Right ascension of target object. The default is None.
    dec : float, str, optional
        Declination of target object. The default is None.
    start_time : str, optional
        Start time of the observations. The default is None.
    end_time : str, optional
        End time of the observations. The default is None.
    _filter : str or list, optional
        List of filters that will be used during observing session.  Must be one of the following:
        "uv", "b", "v", "r", "ir", or "Ha".  The default is None.
    num : int, optional
        Number of exposures. The default is None.
    exp_time : float or list, optional
        Exposure time of each image in seconds.  List order must match the order of filters.  
        The default is None.
    self_guide : bool, optional
       If True, self-guiding module will activate, keeping the telescope
       pointed steady at the same target with minor adjustments. The default is None.
    guide : bool, optional
        Currently unused.  The default is None.
    cycle_filter : bool, optional
        If True, filters will be cycled through after each exposure, if False will take
        the num of specific images in one filter before moving to the next filter. 
        The default is None.

ObservationTicket objects have an additional method associated with them called check_ticket(). This is used to validate that all parameters of the ticket are in the proper format, can be read by the code, and have valid values. This generally should not be an issue if one utilizes the built-in observation ticket creator widget, located in observation_tickets/. This GUI is created using tkinter and allows for easy creation of observation tickets.

D. Utils

The `main/common/util` folder contains three utility files with different classes of utility functions used throughout the code. `conversion_utils` handles unit conversions and coordinate conversions, `time_utils` handles timezone and other date/time conversions, and `filereader_utils` handles image reading to find stars peaks, FWHMs, and other image properties.

E. Controller

i. Hardware

The `main/controller/` file contains the `Hardware` object, which is a parent class that all of our hardware modules are subclassed from. `Hardware` itself is a subclass of `threading.Thread`, allowing each of our hardware objects to run concurrently on their own separate threads. Before any hardware object is instantiated, a global config object must be created. This is done automatically when the `parameters_config.json` file is read in via the `json_reader` and then the `object_reader`. An example of how this would be done is shown:
    import omegalambda as om
    # Read the config file in via the json reader
    reader = om.Reader('C:\Users\[username]\omegalambda\omegalambda\'
                    + 'config\parameters_config.json')
    # Sort the object into the correct type (in this case, Config)
    obj_reader = om.ObjectReader(reader)
    # The global object is automatically created!  Now you can instantiate any hardware class.

HOWEVER, it is not necessary to undergo this procedure, as it is done automatically upon importing the OmegaLambda package. If you wish to read the config file from a different directory from the default, you will need to perform this step with your preferred directory. The filter wheel configuration file may be read in in the exact same manner.

The Hardware class itself overwrite threading.Thread's __init__ and run methods to create a queue system for placing methods on the queue list for a hardware object. A concrete example will be provided for the Camera module.

ii. Camera

`main/controller/` controls the CCD camera via a win32com port dispatch to MaxIm DL. It has methods for setting the cooler, exposing images, etc. Now, for that example of how the threading and queue system works:
    import omegalambda as om

    # Initialize the camera object (does not connect to the hardware yet)
    camera = om.Camera()

    # Start the camera thread (actually calls  When the thread is started, it will
    # automatically try connecting to the hardware.

    # If the hardware connection was successfully established, you should get a logging
    # message saying so.  Then, you can put methods on the camera queue by using onThread():
    camera.onThread(camera.expose, 15, 2)
    # You can then disconnect from the hardware and stop the thread

iii. Dome

`main/controller/` controls the dome via a win32com port dispatch to ASCOM. It has methods for slewing, parking, home, syncing, opening & closing the shutter, etc.

iv. Telescope

`main/controller/` controls the telescope via a win32com port dispatch to ASCOM, specifically our SoftwareBisque mount. It has methods for slewing, parking, unparking, tracking, guiding, etc.

v. Focus Control

`main/controller/` controls the position tertiary mirror of the telescope via a serial port connection. It does not rely on RoboFocus or any other API and talks directly to the rotor mechanism. It has methods for moving the focus in/out, or moving to an arbitrary position.

vi. Focus GUI

`main/controller/` is a GUI for controlling the focuser. This was created to still allow user control of the focus manually while the code is running. The win32com dispatches already allow this because MaxIm DL, ASCOM, etc. all have GUIs for manual control, but because we used a serial connection for the focuser, this was a necessary addition.

vii. Flatfield Lamp

`main/controller/` controls the flatfield lamp inside the dome. This is done via a serial connection to an Arduino device that turns the lamp on or off. As such, there are methods for turning the lamp on and off.

F. High-Level Hardware Structures

i. Weather Conditions `main/observing/` implements a framework for checking the current weather conditions periodically to ensure that it is still safe to be observing. The weather is checked via the GMU College of Science weather monitor, or, if that website is down/outdated, it uses estimates from instead.

ii. Focus Procedures

`main/controller/` implements a framework for automatically determining the best focus position at the beginning of an observation, as well as gradually adjusting the focus position over the course of the night.

It reads images from the camera and calculates the FWHM of the brightest stars to determine the focus quality. It then moves the focus to a new position and makes another measurement. After ~10 of these measurements, it fits the data to a parabola (with a positive quadratic term) and moves the focus to the minimum of the parabola (that is, if the fit doesn't always).

The gradual focusing uses a linear temperature-dependence model to determine how much to move the focus over the course of the night.

The FocusProcedures object thus requires the Focus, Camera, and Conditions objects as input parameters.

iii. Guiding

`main/observing/` implements a framework for actively guiding on a target to keep it relatively stable within an image.

It reads in images from the camera and determines where the stars are. It then waits for the next image and calculates the displacement of the stars between images, then instructs the telescope to move back to correct the displacement.

The Guider object thus requires the Camera and Telescope objects as input parameters.

iv. Calibration

`main/observing/` implements a framework for gathering calibration images (i.e. darks and flats) for a given target.

It reads in the target's exposure times/filters and gathers the necessary calibration images while turning on the flatfield lamp for flats and turning it off for darks. The calibration module assumes that the dome is closed when it has been called, as it does not force the dome to close itself.

The Calibration object thus requires the Camera and FlatLamp objects as input parameters, as well as the image directories for each target.

v. Thread Monitoring

`main/controller/` implements a framework for monitoring the status of each hardware thread and making sure it is still "alive" (i.e. running). If it finds that a thread has crashed, it will send instructions to restart it to the main observation run code. It requires all of the code's threads sorted into a dictionary as an input parameter.

G. The Main Observation Run

`main/observing/` is the heart of the OmegaLambda code. This is where everything is put together into a complete framework for observation runs. It instantiates all of the hardware objects and starts their threads before beginning the observing sequence, which generally follows the order of: check weather conditions and start time; open observatory and slew; focus on the target; take as many exposures as instructed while checking the weather, focusing, and guiding in the background; if the weather alert goes off, shut down and take calibration images and wait for the weather to clear up again; move on to the next target; repeat for all targets; shut down the observatory and end all processes.

An example of how the code would be started using the obesrvation run module looks like this:

    # Read in your observation ticket
    reader = Reader('observation_ticket_example.json')
    object_reader = ObjectReader(reader)
    # Prepare the observation ticket and image write directory
    observation_request_list = [object_reader.ticket]
    folder = 'C:\Useres\[username]\example_image_directory\'
    # Instantiate the observation run object
    run_object = ObservationRun(observation_request_list, folder, shutdown_toggle=True,
                                calibration_toggle=True, focus_toggle=True)

    # Call the observe() function to begin

III. The Main Driver

All of the examples thus far have been to demonstrate how the code works, but they would not actually be particularly useful for a real nightly observation. This code was really only built to be utilized by its main driver, under `main/drivers/`. The `run()` function properly initializes all of the config objects, reads the observation ticket, and begins the observation run in the "intended" way, for lack of a better term. One could call the `run()` function in the driver directly, but this can also be a bit clunky and not user-friendly, so we have developed a command-line interface (CLI) to run the code, which is the main way that it is utilized nightly at our observatory.

IV. The Command-Line Interface (CLI)

`main/` is responsible for creating the CLI, so one is able to simply create an observation ticket and pass it into the code via the CLI without worrying about any of its inner-workings. The CLI only has one function, `run`, which calls the `run()` function in the driver. Run has the observation tickets as its only required arguments (by which you pass in the filepaths as strings), but it also has a few optional parameters as well corresponding to the init parameters of the `ObservationRun` class. One can always use the `-h` or `--help` commands on the CLI for further info, but we also provide it here. As always, if you have a specific environment for this code, make sure you are in it before attempting to run it or use the CLI.

If you simply run python -m omegalambda -h, you will receive a message showing you the available functions (of which there is only one):

    usage: [-h] {run} ...
    Telescope automation code
    positional arguments:
        run       Start an observation run
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit

And if you run python -m omegalambda run -h, you will see all of the optional arguments for the run function:

    usage: run [-h] [--data PATH] [--config PATH] [--filter PATH] [--logger PATH] 
                                [--noshutdown] [--nocalibration] [--nofocus] 
                                obs_tickets [obs_tickets ...]
    positional arguments:
      obs_tickets           Paths to each observation ticket, or 1 path to a directory with 
                            observation tickets.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --data PATH, -d PATH  Manual save path for CCD image files.
      --config PATH, -c PATH
                            Manual file path to the general config json file.
      --filter PATH, -f PATH
                            Manual file path to the filter wheel config json file.
      --logger PATH, -l PATH
                            Manual file path to the logging config json file.
      --noshutdown, -ns     Use this option if you do not want to shutdown after running 
                            the tickets. Note this will also stop the program from taking 
                            any darks and flats if the calibration time is set to end.
      --nocalibration, -nc  Use this option if you do not want to take any darks and flats.
      --nofocus, -nf        Use this option if you do not want to perform the automatic 
                            focus procedure at thebeginning of the night. Continuous 
                            focusing will still be enabled.

So, a few examples. Say you want to run your observation ticket with all of the defaults. You would simply do

python -m omegalambda run '/path/to/observation/ticket.json'.

If you have multiple tickets, just add them on:

python -m omegalambda run '/path/to/observation/ticket1.json' '/path/to/observation/ticket2.json'.

However, if you already took dark and flat images beforehand, you would instead want to run

python -m omegalambda run -nc '/path/to/observation/ticket'.

Or, if you are already confident about the focus of your target, or want to focus manually:

python -m omegalambda run -nf '/path/to/observation/ticket'.

Finally, if you'd like to continue using the telescope after the observing sequence:

python -m omegalambda run -ns '/path/to/observation/ticket'.

These arguments can be stacked of course, so if you are in a situation where all 3 of the above apply:

python -m omegalambda run -nf -ns -nc '/path/to/observation/ticket'.

V. The Observation Ticket Creator Widget

Under `observation_tickets/` there is a widget called `Observation_ticket_creator.pyw`. This is a GUI designed to make it easy to create observation tickets for a given target. Simply run the python file and input your target specifications into the appropriate blanks. Also note the checkboxes for the `self_guide`, `guide`, and `cycle_filter` attributes. Once you are done, simply click "Apply" and "Quit". The "Fetch" button is designed to automatically fetch the planned target information for the current night at the GMU observatory. This target also appears in the title of the GUI. Please note that this Fetch button WILL NOT WORK unless you are running the code on the GMU observatory control computer, because it requires a local file with usernames/passwords that we do not want to give out to the public.

Final Note

For an even more in-depth guide on how the code is utilized in our observatory and how a typical night of observation might go, please see this user guide:


The Big Crunch is the collapse of all that exists within our universe to a singularity. Just as this code is the coalescence of everything required to run GMU's observatory.






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