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It is a simple REST Api using Kotlin and Docker.


  • Download kobweb

  • Set path variable of kobweb. ie. ..kobweb/bin folder path

  • Open Command prompt, set your project directory location and Run kobweb create

  • Open IntelliJ IDE and open kobweb project from your project location

  • Build project and If getting error then open settings.gradle.kts and change root project name to Pascal Case ie. DemoApi then re-build.


  • Write your code in /api package
  • If you need serializaton plugin then checkout this repo and put in the libs.version.toml file and use in your build.gradle.kts.
  • To Run server
    1. Goto terminal in the IntelliJ

    2. Write cd site

    3. Write kobweb run

      If you get nodejs error then download it from the error link. ie. ''.  
    4. Open browser and run localserver, ie. http://localhost:8080/api/people?count=2

    5. Push code on Github

Deploy server for free

  • Goto
  • Create account
  • Connect your github
  • Create new webservice from render dashboard
  • Select your github repo and connect
  • Give name and choose free plan
  • Click on Create webservice, It will take few minutes to deploy, so be patience
  • After successfully deploy, you can check your API from given link.

Technology & Tools Used

  • Kotlin
  • Docker
  • Gradle
  • IntelliJ IDE


Author: Kaushal Vasava