A small library for creating reversible obfuscated identifiers for integer values.
ps := pseudocrypt.Create()
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
hash := ps.Hash(int64(i), 5)
fmt.Println(i, " - ", hash, " - ", ps.Unhash(hash))
0 - 00000 - 0
1 - CjIO3 - 1
2 - eDrC6 - 2
3 - QXaq9 - 3
4 - tgTec - 4
5 - 5AC2f - 5
6 - HUkQi - 6
7 - ke3El - 7
8 - WxMso - 8
9 - yRvgr - 9
Classic use case: URL shorteners where:
- The long url is stored in a database with an integer primary key
- The short url must be unique
- Valid short urls must be difficult to deduce
Adapted from: http://blog.kevburnsjr.com/php-unique-hash