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OpenGL and OpenGL ES Conformance Submission Passing Criteria

Alexander Galazin edited this page Oct 18, 2019 · 4 revisions

Passing Criteria

A submission is considered passing if the following statements are true:

  1. The submission package contains exactly the files described above under Creating a Submission Package, optionally including a Conformant Products List, all correctly named and formatted.
  2. The git log and git status files included with the submission show no changes other than those explicitly allowed under Porting, above; OR, any such changes are accompanied by waiver requests as described above under Waivers.
  3. The test logs show no failures (see Understanding the Results above).
  4. The test logs are produced as described in the Running the Tests section on a implementation where a default (window) framebuffer supports the following configuration:
    1. at least a 16-bit color buffer, at least a 15-bit depth buffer, and at least a 1-bit stencil buffer;
    2. exactly a RGBA color buffer with 8 bits per channel, a 24-bit depth buffer, a 8-bit stencil buffer, and no multisample buffer;
    3. exactly a RGBA color buffer with 8 bits per channel, a 24-bit depth buffer, a 8-bit stencil buffer, and a multisample buffer with 4 samples;
    4. for OpenGL ES CTS releases prior to opengl-es-cts- exactly a RGB color buffer with 5 bits for the R and B channels and 6 bits for the G channel, no depth buffer, no stencil buffer, and no multisample buffer.
    Waivers for specific configurations may be granted to accommodate limitations in the underlying platform or implementation.
  5. For OpenGL CTS releases, and OpenGL ES CTS releases prior to opengl-es-cts- test cases included in Khronos Confidential CTS must be run and present in the test logs. For opengl-es-cts- and later OpenGL ES CTS releases Khronos Confidential CTS results must not be included in the submission package.
  6. For implementations that support multiple window configurations (e.g. those exposed by EGL, WGL, or similar binding layer), the number of non-multisampled configurations identified as CONFORMANT by the binding layer is greater than or equal to the number identified as NON-CONFORMANT.
  7. An implementation must expose the same set of conformant configurations for all API versions covered by the submission. For example, an OpenGL ES 3.2 submission also covers OpenGL ES 3.1, ES 3.0 and 2.0 conformance, and therefore for all these APIs the implementation must expose the same conformant configurations.
  8. The appropriate OpenGL or OpenGL ES Review Committee agrees to grant any requested waivers and confirms the validity of the test results, OR the Review Period (30 days from date of submission) expires without comment from the Review Committee.