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iOS SampleProject for the thing-if SDK


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 7.0+
  • swift 2.0+


  • KiiSDK.framework
  • ThingIFSDK.framework

Importing Dependencies

Use CocoaPods

This is the easiest way to get started. SampleProject uses CocoaPods to manage dependency.

If CocoaPods is not installed, please install it first by following the installation Guide.

The ./Podfile is used to define latest version of KiiSDK and ThingIFSDK to be imported. Just run the following command:

$ pod install

Use Carthage

SampleProject is also can be used with Carthage. But since KiiSDK is not available on Carthage, You should mix it with CocoaPods. The benefit of using Carthage is the flexibility to choose ThingIFSDK branch (CocoaPods only support for master branch).

Import KiiSDK.framework using CocoaPods

Remove 'ThingIFSDK' from The ./Podfile. The ./Podfile is used to define latest version of KiiSDK to be imported. Just run the following command:

$ pod install

Import ThingIFSDK.framework using Carthage

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.

  • Install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

    $ brew update
    $ brew install carthage
  • Specify thing-if SDK it in your Cartfile:

    github "KiiPlatform/thing-if-iOSSDK" >= 0.8
  • Then generate thing-if SDK framework by the following command:

    $ carthage update
  • After successfully generated thing-if SDK framework, import it to SampleProject.

Run SampleProject

After above steps finished, open ./SampleProject.xcworkspace

Initialize SDKs

Both of KiiSDK and thing-if SDK need the same appID and appKey. Please set the appropriate values in the file ThingIFSDK/Properties.plist.

  • Initialize KiiSDK in ThingIFSDK/AppDelegate.swift

    • If using one of US, JP, CN and SG, please call Kii.beginWithID((dict["appID"] as! String), andKey: (dict["appKey"] as! String), andSite: KiiSite) using appropriate value for the site.
    • If using a custom base URL, please provide a value of kiiCloudCustomURL for KiiSDK in ThingIFSDK/Properties.plist. Then call Kii.beginWithID((dict["appID"] as! String), andKey: (dict["appKey"] as! String), andCustomURL: (dict["kiiCloudCustomURL"] as! String))
  • Initialize thing-if SDK in ThingIFSDK/LoginViewController.swift when calling IoTCloudAPIBuilder(appID: (dict["appID"] as! String), appKey: (dict["appKey"] as! String), site: Site, owner: Owner, tag: String? )

    • If using one of US, JP, CN and SG, please use Site.US, Site.JP, Site.CN, or Site.SG for the value of site.
    • If using custom site base URL, please provide a value of iotCloudAPIBaseURL for thing-if SDK in ThingIFSDK/Properties.plist, then set the value of site with Site.CUSTOM((dict["iotCloudAPIBaseURL"] as! String)).


thing-if iOSSample is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Sample application of Kii IoTCloud iOS SDK







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