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KingoftheHomeless edited this page Feb 16, 2021 · 24 revisions

The Various Ways To Interpret Effects

The library offers three main ways to interpret effects. For derived effects, there is interpret, interpretSimple, and interpretViaHandler/Handler. They all serve the same purpose, so why are there three of them?

Ideally, there wouldn't be: interpret should be all that's necessary, but the thing complicating it is that interpret has a higher-rank type. This is because interpret needs to make use of reflection in order to reify the provided interpreter to the constraint-level so that the carrier for interpret may make use of it. But because of this, the carrier is enclosed within a forall to make this reflection safe.

The reason this matters is that higher-rank types are hell for type inference, and because of that interpret can't be used partially applied. You can't make an interpreter out of interpret and then compose it with other interpreters using ., &, or anything else of that nature. Your only options are parenthesis and $.

interpretSimple and interpretViaHandler serves as alternatives because of this problem.

  • interpretSimple has a very similar signature to interpret, but makes use of ReaderT to make the handler available to the carrier. This makes it possible to use partially applied, but is significantly less performant, and also incurs a ReaderThreads threading constraint. (If you're unfamiliar with threading constraints, consult the documentation for Threaders and/or the introductory section of Primitive Effects)
  • With interpretViaHandler you provide the handler via an instance of the type class Handler. This is as performant as interpret, and doesn't require a higher-ranked type -- however, since the handler is separated from the interpreter, you can't use values of the environment inside of the handler, which matters when you want your interpreter to take additional arguments. Making Handler instances also typically requires enabling UndecidableInstances.

Because of the issues with interpret and interpretSimple, in-other-words makes use of interpretViaHandler for its interpreters as much as possible -- and for every interpreter where interpretViaHandler can't be used, it provides both a regular variant that makes use of interpret internally, and a variant that makes use of interpretSimple internally.

For inexperienced users or for users where performance is secondary, interpretSimple and -Simple variants of interpretations are typically the better choices. The greatest problem interpretSimple may pose is the ReaderThreads threading constraint; if you want to create an interpreter to be used in application code, you should consider using interpret or interpretViaHandler instead.

The reason why interpret gets to be called interpret (instead of having interpretSimple be called interpret and interpret be called, say, interpretFast) is the hope that quick look impredicativity will solve the issues with interpret, at which point it may become the go-to instead of interpretSimple.

Effect Reinterpretation

in-other-words provides a variety of tools to introduce effects, which may be used to interpret effects in terms of these newly-introduced effects. The benefit of this is that the introduced effects are invisible to the rest of the program. For example, consider the following program:

data Counter m a where
  Probe :: Counter m Int

type CounterC m = InterpretSimpleC Counter (StateC Int m)

runCounter :: ( Carrier m
              , Threaders '[ReaderThreads, StateThreads] m p
           => CounterC m a -> m a
runCounter = runState 0 . interpretSimple (\case
  Probe -> state' (\s -> (s+1,s))

This works fine, but it has a problem: the State effect here is only intended to be used for runCounter, but it's visible to the entire program:

type Derivs (CounterC m) = Counter ': State Int ': Derivs m

That means that if the application uses a State Int effect, it's possible it could target the runState in runCounter. This could be a nasty source of bugs if there's another State Int effect later down the line that gets interfered with because of that.

The solution is to introduce the State effect instead. When you want to introduce effects under one effect that you're interpreting, reinterpret and friends work best:

data Counter m a where
  Probe :: Counter m Int

type CounterC m = ReinterpretSimpleC Counter '[State Int] (StateC Int m)

runCounter :: ( Carrier m
              , Threaders '[ReaderThreads, StateThreads] m p
           => CounterC m a -> m a
runCounter = evalState 0 . reinterpretSimple (\case
  Probe -> state' (\s -> (s+1,s))

This version no longer exposes State Int to the outside world, and thus can't interfere with the rest of the program:

type Derivs (CounterC m) = Counter ': Derivs m

This works because ReinterpretSimpleC does something special: its effect stack hides the State Int effect of StateC Int m by using a type family StripPrefix:

type Derivs (CounterC m) = Derivs (ReinterpretSimpleC Counter '[State Int] (StateC Int m))
                         = Counter ': StripPrefix '[State Int] (Derivs (StateC Int m))
                         = Counter ': StripPrefix '[State Int] (State Int ': Derivs m)
                         = Counter ': Derivs m

If you want to introduce effects underneath multiple effects, then reinterpret isn't powerful enough: you need IntroC and introUnderMany, and combine them with interpret. Here's an example:

type AccumLogC m =
  --     v the top effects of the stack under which new effects are introduced
  IntroC '[Tell String, Ask String] '[State String] (
  InterpretSimpleC (Tell String) ( -- ^ the newly introduced effects
  InterpretSimpleC (Ask String) (
  StateC String m

runAccumLog :: ( Carrier m
               , Threaders '[ReaderThreads, StateThreads] m p
            => AccumLogC m a -> m a
    evalState ""
  . interpretSimple (\case
      Ask -> get
  . interpretSimple (\case
      Tell s -> modify' (++ s)
  . introUnderMany

introUnderMany introduces the State Int effect underneath the interpreted Tell String and Ask String effects, thus making that effect invisible to the rest of the program.

type Derivs (AccumLogC m) = Tell String ': Ask String ': Derivs m


There are two problems with CounterC and AccumLogC:

  • They're made up of multiple monad transformers, so if you want to lift m to AccumLogC m/CounterC m, you need to use lift multiple times.
  • Because the monad transformers are discrete, it exposes the internal implementation of the interpreters in a way users may mess around with. For example, there's nothing stopping users from, say, creating a StateC String m/StateC Int m value, lift it a couple of times, and then pass it into runAccumLog/runCounter, which then won't do the right thing.

The solution to both of these problems is a monad transformer that composes monad transformer: CompositionC.

  • Since CompositionC composes the monad transformers, a single lift would lift m past all of the monad transformers.
  • Control.Effect doesn't expose a way to construct a CompositionC value out of a of a partial stack of the composed monad transformers, so there's no way for users to do the wrong thing (unless they import internal modules).

CompositionC has the runComposition interpreter to bring the composed monad transformers down to individual layers. Here's how AccumLogC would look like using CompositionC:

type AccumLogC = CompositionC
 '[ IntroC '[Tell String, Ask String] '[State String]
  , InterpretSimpleC (Tell String)
  , InterpretSimpleC (Ask String)
  , StateC String

runAccumLog :: ( Carrier m
               , Threaders '[ReaderThreads, StateThreads] m p
            => AccumLogC m a -> m a
    evalState ""
  . interpretSimple (\case
      Ask -> get
  . interpretSimple (\case
      Tell s -> modify' (++ s)
  . introUnderMany
  . runComposition

Note that interpreters that make use of interpret are very difficult to compose using CompositionC due to the higher-rank type. It's possible, but not intuitive. Because of this, interpretSimple and interpretViaHandler are better choices in this case.

Here's how you would implement AccumLogC using interpret instead of interpretSimple:

type AccumLogC' s s' = CompositionC
 '[ IntroC '[Tell String, Ask String] '[State String]
  , InterpretC (ViaReifiedH s)  (Tell String)
  , InterpretC (ViaReifiedH s') (Ask String)
  , StateC String

type AccumLogC m a =
     forall s s'
   . ( ReifiesHandler s (Tell String)
         (InterpretC (ViaReifiedH s') (Ask String)
           (StateC String m)
     , ReifiesHandler s' (Ask String)
         (StateC String m)
  => AccumLogC' s s' m a 

runAccumLog :: ( Carrier m
               , Threaders '[StateThreads] m p
            => AccumLogC m a -> m a
runAccumLog m =
    evalState ""
  $ interpret (\case
      Ask -> get
  $ interpret (\case
      Tell s -> modify' (++ s)
  $ introUnderMany
  $ runComposition
  $ m

Pretty terrible. Only use this if you really want the usability benefits CompositionC gives you and the performance benefits interpret gives you (and you can't use interpretViaHandler).

Local and Global State Semantics

Like polysemy, fused-effects, and even mtl, the order of certain interpreters could matter for how the effects they interpret interact with one another. These are pure interpreters, interpreters that interpret an effect purely -- not in terms of other effects or the final monad. Examples include runState and runError, but not stateToIO or errorToIO.

Effects interpreted using pure interpreters are said to have local/global state semantics relative to one another depending on in what order they are interpreted. Effects which are purely interpreted have global state semantics compared to effects that have been purely interpreted before them, and local state semantics compared to all effects purely interpreted after them.

For example, for the program:

mainProgram :: Effs '[State String, Error ()] m
            => m ()
mainProgram = (put "global" >> throw ()) `catch` \() -> return ()

main :: Either () String
main = run $ runError @() $ execState "local" $ mainProgram

State String has local state semantics relative to Error (), and Error () has global state semantics relative to State String.

In this case, that means that exceptions thrown will revert changes to the state up until the nearest enclosing catch. So main == Right "local".

If we switch the order of interpreters:

main :: String
main = run $ execState "local" $ runError @() $ mainProgram

Then State String has global state semantics relative to Error (), so changes to the state won't get reverted by exceptions. main == "global". Similar relationships exist with other effects. For example:

  • If a Cont effect is global relative to a Tell effect, then the tells executed after a callCC get reverted if the abortive continuation provided by the callCC is executed. If the Tell effect is global instead, then all tells persist past the execution of abortive continuations.
  • If a State effect is global relative to a NonDet effect, then modifications to the state persist between branches. If the NonDet effect is global instead, then the modifications to the state are local to each branch.
  • If an Error effect is global relative to a NonDet effect, then an exception thrown in a branch will abort all pending branches up to the nearest enclosing catch. If the NonDet effect is global instead, then an exception will abort the branch it's thrown in only.

Note that this is only true for pure interpreters; it's not as easy to tell how effects interpreted by other kinds of interpreters interact.

  • Effects interpreted in terms of the final monad are always global relative to effects interpreted purely.
  • State semantics of effects interpreted in terms of other effects depend on how those other effects are interpreted.
  • If two effects are both interpreted in terms of the final monad, then state semantics depend on the final monad. For example, when using stateToIO and errorToIO, the State effect always has global state semantics relative to the Error effect.

Effect Newtypes

You may want to make effects that act as newtypes of other effects. in-other-words provides the Control.Effect.Newtype module for that purpose. As an example of an effect newtype, Conc is just a newtype of Unlift IO:

newtype Conc m a = Conc (Unlift IO m a)

Conc simply doesn't expose its constructor, so users will only gain access to the limited uses of Unlift IO that Conc allows through its associated actions.

You can create actions of the newtype by making use of wrapWith:

import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A

async :: Eff Conc m => m a -> m (A.Async a)
async m = wrapWith Conc $ unlift $ \lower -> A.async (lower (lift m))

(lift is necessary since wrapWith is actually an interpreter for a carrier that gives you temporary access to the wrapped effect)

Unwrapping an effect newtype can be done in one of two ways. Either you just (re)interpret it as a regular effect and use send:

type ConcToIOC = CompositionC
 '[ ReinterpretSimpleC Conc '[Unlift IO]
  , UnliftToFinalC IO

concToIO :: ( MonadBaseControlPure IO m
            , Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p
         => ConcToIOC m a
         -> m a
concToIO =
  . reinterpretSimple (\(Conc e) -> send e)
  . runComposition

Or, if you care about performance, you can make an instance of the EffNewtype type class, and use unwrap/unwrapTop.

instance EffNewtype Conc where UnwrappedEff Conc = Unlift IO

type ConcToIOC = CompositionC
 '[ UnwrapTopC Conc
  , UnliftToFinalC IO

concToIO :: MonadBaseControlPure IO m => ConcToIOC m a -> m a
concToIO =
  . unwrapTop
  . runComposition

You can also derive EffNewtype via WrapperOf:

newtype Conc m a = Conc (Unlift IO m a)
  deriving EffNewtype via Conc `WrapperOf` Unlift IO

Primitive effects

in-other-words distinguishes between derived and primitive effects. For further reading, see The inner workings of the library. An effect is considered derived or primitive depending on how it's interpreted (a particular effect doesn't have to be exclusively one or the other.)

The effects users usually deal with -- including effects they define for themselves -- are derived, meaning their handlers are defined in terms of other effects and/or first-order operations of the current monad. The benefit of derived effects is that their handlers can be generically lifted.

Primitive effects, on the other hand, are higher-order effects whose handlers need to make use of higher-order operations of the current monad (that don't belong to another effect). Such handlers need to operate on the current monad directly, which means that they need to be lifted on a transformer-by-transformer basis. The ability of a monad transformer to lift handlers of a primitive effect is called threading that effect, and is represented by the ThreadsEff class.

Interpreters may emit threading constraints, which correspond to the ability of the carrier used by the interpreter to thread the primitive effects currently in use by the program. This is why certain effect interpreters can't be used together: one requires a primitive effect that can't be threaded by the other. You can look at the documentation of a threading constraint to see what primitive effects it may accept. Threading constraints are placed with the help of Threaders.

To clarify how primitive effects work, consider the interpreter

bracketToIO :: (Carrier m, MonadMask m)
            => BracketToIOC m a
            -> m a

which interprets the Bracket effect. What this actually means is that BracketToIOC adds upon the derived effects of m -- Derivs m -- with that effect:

Derivs (BracketToIOC m) = Bracket ': Derivs m

What underlying effects a program may have access to is determined by Derivs, and because BracketToIOC extends upon it, this means that the program passed to bracketToIO can make use of actions of Bracket.

In a similar way, interpreters may also add effects to the list of primitive effects of m -- Prims m. In this case, the only way bracketToIO can interpret Bracket is if it has direct access to m in the handler, so it may use the methods of MonadMask m. So Bracket is also added as a primitive effect:

Prims (BracketToIOC m) = Bracket ': Prims m

Note that effects in Prims don't have to directly match an effect in Derivs. For example, runError makes use of Optional ((->) e) as a primitive effect to interpret Catch e, but doesn't expose Optional ((->) e) as a derived effect. How this works is discussed later in helper primitive effects.

Despite their similarities, Prims is very different from Derivs. Adding derived effects provides a benefit to the user of an interpreter -- adding primitive effects does not:

  • More effects in Derivs means greater variety of effects a program may use. More effects in Prims means lesser variety of interpreters a program may use.
  • Interpreters add effects in Derivs to provide power to the program. Interpreters add effects in Prims only to provide power to themselves.
  • Once an effect of Derivs is consumed by an interpreter, the program can no longer make use of it. Once an effect of Prims is consumed by an interpreter, then the program is no longer restricted by it.

Sometimes, users also need higher-order access to the current monad for the interpretation of their own effects. However, interpreting user-defined effects as primitives is problematic, because primitive effects suffer from the O(n2) instances problem. In fact, the hope is that users never have to do this. Instead, if the need arises, users are intended to make use of helper primitive effects to gain the power they need to interpret their own effects.

Various combinators involving primitive effects are offered by the Control.Effect.Primitive module.

Helper primitive effects

Helper primitive effects are effects designed for the purpose of providing the power necessary to interpreters so that user-defined primitive effects aren't necessary. In ascending order of power, the helper primitive effects offered by this library are: Regional, Optional, BaseControl, and Unlift.

The reason there are so many is because carriers differ in how many of these they may thread. For example, of these, ContThreads accepts only Regional and Optional; WriterThreads also accepts BaseControl; and ReaderThreads is the only threading constraint that accepts Unlift.

Let's take an example. Let's assume ErrorIO doesn't exist, and you want to implement the following:

import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as C

runErrorAsExc :: (Exception e, Carrier m, C.MonadCatch m) => ErrorAsExcC e m a -> m a

Which interprets both Throw e and Catch e by simply using e as an IO exception and using the methods of MonadCatch in order to throw and catch it. We'll also be adding a ReaderThreads threading constraint to this so we may use -Simple interpreters.

How would you go about this? First, let's try to use interpretSimple:

type ErrorAsExcC e = CompositionC
 '[ InterpretSimpleC (Catch e)
  , InterpretSimpleC (Throw e)

-- Derivs (ErrorAsExcC e m) = Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m
-- Prims  (ErrorAsExcC e m) = Prims m
runErrorAsExc :: ( Exception e
                 , Carrier m
                 , C.MonadCatch m
                 , Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p
              => ErrorAsExcC e m a -> m a
runErrorAsExc =
    interpretSimple (\case
      Throw e -> liftBase $ C.throw e
  . interpretSimple (\case
      Catch m h -> m `C.catch` h -- oops
  . runComposition

This doesn't work. That is because the environment inside interpretSimple doesn't work on m, it works on any carrier z that shares the same effects as m, and also lifts m. This is enough to implement throw, but not catch.

One solution is to interpret Catch here as a primitive effect using interpretPrimSimple (or interpretPrim, or interpretPrimViaHandler), which allows you to operate on m directly:

type ErrorAsExcC e = CompositionC
 '[ InterpretPrimSimpleC (Catch e)
  , InterpretSimpleC (Throw e)

-- Derivs (ErrorAsExcC e m) = Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m
-- Prims  (ErrorAsExcC e m) = Catch e ': Prims m
runErrorAsExc :: ( Exception e
                 , Carrier m
                 , C.MonadCatch m
                 , Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p
              => ErrorAsExcC e m a -> m a
runErrorAsExc =
    interpretSimple (\case
      Throw e -> liftBase $ C.throw e
  . interpretPrimSimple (\case
      Catch m h -> m `C.catch` h
  . runComposition

But this is no good. Catch is not intended to be used as a primitive effect, and doesn't have any ThreadsEff instances defined for it. This makes this interpretation unusable in practice! In fact, this won't actually compile, since the ReaderThreads threading constraint -- which is necessary for the -Simple variants we're using here -- doesn't accept Catch as a primitive effect.

What we can do instead is to make use of a helper primitive effect. The perfect fit here is Optional:

data Optional s m a where
  Optionally :: s a -> m a -> Optional s m a

Optional has ThreadsEff instances defined for almost every underlying monad transformer used in the library, as long as s is a functor. If we choose s = (->) e, this becomes:

data Optional ((->) e) m a where
  Optionally :: (e -> a) -> m a -> Optional ((->) e) m a

Awfully similar to catch. In fact, we could implement catch using this:

catch' :: Eff (Optional ((->) e)) m => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
catch' m h = join $ optionally h (fmap pure m)

If you're not convinced that this is actually safe (it does look awfully suspicious), here's a more obviously safe implementation of try:

try' :: Eff (Optional ((->) e) m => m a -> m (Either e a)
try' m = optionally Left (fmap Right m)

which you can use to implement catch:

catch' :: Eff (Optional ((->) e)) m => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
catch' m h = try' m >>= either h return

Let's use Optional ((->) e) as our primitive effect instead. We'll interpret Catch in terms of it, and then interpret Optional ((->) e) using interpretPrimSimple in terms of MonadCatch's catch:

type ErrorAsExcC e = CompositionC
 '[ ReinterpretSimpleC (Catch e) '[Optional ((->) e)]
  , InterpretPrimSimpleC (Optional ((->) e))
  , InterpretSimpleC (Throw e)

-- Derivs (ErrorAsExcC e m) = Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m
-- Prims  (ErrorAsExcC e m) = Optional ((->) e) ': Prims m
runErrorAsExc :: ( Exception e
                 , Carrier m
                 , C.MonadCatch m
                 , Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p
              => ErrorAsExcC e m a -> m a
runErrorAsExc =
    interpretSimple (\case
      Throw e -> liftBase $ C.throw e
  . interpretPrimSimple (\case
      Optionally h m -> m `C.catch` (return . h)
  . reinterpretSimple (\case
      Catch m h -> join $ optionally h (fmap pure m)
  . runComposition

By using Optional as our primitive effect, we still gain the access to the current monad we need without having to treat Catch as a primitive effect: only Optional, which already has ThreadsEff instances defined for it. This scales to your own user-defined effects, and you may choose as powerful helper primitive effects as you need to interpret them (but as weak as possible so that you may use a larger variety of interpreters in your program).

Regional and Optional are special in they are more general than they have to be. They have two specializations respectively -- Hoist and HoistOption -- that are as powerful as their general forms could ever be. Here's how runErrorAsExc can be rewritten to use HoistOption instead:

type ErrorAsExcC e m = CompositionC
 '[ IntroC '[Catch e, Throw e] '[HoistOption m]
  , InterpretSimpleC (Catch e)
  , InterpretSimpleC (Throw e)
  , HoistOptionC

runErrorAsExc :: ( Exception e
                 , Carrier m
                 , C.MonadCatch m
                 , Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p
              => ErrorAsExcC e m m a -> m a
runErrorAsExc =
  . interpretSimple (\case
      Throw e -> liftBase $ C.throw e
  . interpretSimple (\case
      Catch m h -> join $
          (\exit m' -> m' `C.catch` (return . exit . h)
          (fmap pure m)
  . introUnderMany
  . runComposition

This isn't as clean, however. Note now that m must be provided two times to ErrorAsExcC so that it may use it inside of the type synonym (the two ms can be unified into one, but that would prevent the use of ErrorAsExcC inside of other CompositionCs). Also, runHoistOption must be at the very end, so introUnderMany is required to move the HoistOption m effect to after the Throw e effect. It's because of these issues that Regional and Optional are as general as they are.


Bracket can also be used as a helper primitive effect. Of special note is the interpreter runBracketLocally, which is rather unusual. Unlike most interpreters of a primitive effect, runBracketLocally makes no use of its direct access to the current monad: it interprets a use of Bracket the same way ignoreBracket does. The difference is that since it establishes Bracket as a primitive effect, carriers need to thread it -- and carriers that thread Bracket are expected to invoke the destructor if they were to make any abortive computations of their own. For example, ExceptT e threads Bracket by making sure to invoke the destructor even if the use portion of generalBracket returns Left e. Because of that, although runBracketLocally does nothing on the surface, by forcing carriers to thread its uses of the Bracket effect it effectively protects against abortive computations of any effect local relative to it. Hence the name runBracketLocally.

An interesting example of runBracketLocally is how it can be used to make a safe interpretation of Writer s using it and runState:

type WriterUsingStateBracketC s = CompositionC
 '[ IntroC '[Pass s, Listen s, Tell s] '[Bracket, State s]
  , InterpretSimpleC (Pass s)
  , InterpretSimpleC (Listen s)
  , InterpretSimpleC (Tell s)
  , BracketLocallyC
  , StateC s

  :: ( Monoid s
     , Carrier m
     , Threaders '[StateThreads, ReaderThreads] m p
  => WriterUsingStateBracketC s m a
  -> m (s, a)
runWriterUsingStateBracket =
    runState mempty
  . runBracketLocally
  . interpretSimple (\case
      Tell s -> modify' (<> s)
  . interpretSimple (\case
      Listen m -> do
        sInit <- get
        put mempty
        a <- m `onError` modify' (sInit <>)
        sLocal <- get
        put $! sInit <> sLocal
        return (sLocal, a)
  . interpretSimple (\case
      Pass m -> do
        sInit <- get
        put mempty
        (f, a) <- m `onError` modify' (sInit <>)
        sLocal <- get
        put $! sInit <> f sLocal
        return a
  . introUnderMany
  . runComposition

In order to interpret Listen and Pass, runWriterUsingStateBracket temporarily resets the state to mempty so that it may observe how the argument computation modifies it. This would be unsafe without runBracketLocally: the computation may throw an exception of a local effect, and then the state will never get restored (exceptions of global effects don't matter since they would revert the state anyway, since we're interpreting the state using runState). By using runBracketLocally and onError, we ensure that if any local effect throws an exception, then the state will be restored before letting the exception go through.

User-defined primitive effects

The worst-case scenario happens: you have some effect whose interpretation requires direct access to the current monad, and the helper primitive effects available are either too weak, or too strong. You want to use some interpreters in your interpretation stack whose carriers could, in theory, thread your effect, but can't thread the more powerful helper primitive effects that you'd be forced to use.

In this case, when all else fails, you can interpret your effect as a primitive effect.

The hope is that this is never necessary. If it ever is, then that's a failing of the library: please make an issue about it. Tell us the effect you needed to interpret as a primitive, and why you couldn't use the stronger helper primitive effects (Unlift should be powerful enough for any purpose, so it'd have to be because it disallows too many interpreters from being used). We'll try, if possible, to generalize your usage and add it as a helper primitive effect to the library.

User-defined primitive effects are straight-forward. Interpret them using interpretPrim, interpretPrimSimple, or interpretPrimViaHandler and PrimHandler, then add ThreadsEff instances for every monad transformer that has a corresponding threading constraint that is able to thread your effect. For example, ErrorThreads corresponds to ExceptT, so you should make a ThreadsEff (ExceptT e) YourEffect instance if you can. You don't have to add ThreadsEff instances for carriers or IdentityT.

The only problem is that those ThreadsEff instances are still a lot of boilerplate, and when writing them, you'll be living in the bad old days of mtl at its worst.

Split Interpretation

Split interpretation is a trick that allows you to side-step the most serious problems you may run into when using interpreters. Split interpretation is called such because it relies on splitting the interpretation stack into multiple branches.

Separating incompatible effects

Let's say you have the following pieces of the program:

doSomeConcStuff :: Effs '[Ask GlobalConfig, Conc] m
                => String -> m Bool

mainProgram :: Effs '[Ask GlobalConfig, Cont] m
            => m String

and you need to make use of doSomeConcStuff inside mainProgram. The easy way to do this is to extend mainProgram's Effs with Conc so that it may call doSomeConcStuff, but there's a problem with that approach: there is no combination of interpreters for Conc and Cont that can be used together. They're essentially incompatible effects. This wouldn't compile:

main :: IO String
main =
    runM @IO
  $ runAskConstSimple globalConfig
  $ concToIO
  $ runCont
  $ mainProgam

You don't need to make use of Cont in doSomeConcStuff, and you don't need Conc in mainProgram except for doSomeConcStuff, so the two effects will never interact; and yet, in-other-words won't allow you to use both because you can't actually prove that.

Split interpretation provides you with a way to do just that. The trick is to create an effect for doSomeConcStuff, and use that in mainProgram:

data DoSomeConcStuff :: Effect where
  DoSomeConcStuff :: String -> DoSomeConcStuff m Bool

doSomeConcStuff :: Eff DoSomeConcStuff m => String -> m Bool
doSomeConcStuff str = send (DoSomeConcStuff str)

  :: Effs '[Ask GlobalConfig, Conc] m
  => String -> m Bool

mainProgram :: Effs
                '[ Ask GlobalConfig
                 , Cont
                 , DoSomeConcStuff
                 ] m
            => m String

And now, during interpretation, you can interpret DoSomeConcStuff in terms of doSomeConcStuffImplementation, by using concToIO inside of the handler! In order to be able to do that, you need to have access to m -- because of concToIO's MonadBaseControlPure IO constraint -- but fortunately, EffHandlers have the ability to lift values of m to the hidden carrier inside of the effect handler by using liftBase.

  :: ( Eff (Ask GlobalConfig) m
     , MonadBaseControlPure IO m
  => SimpleInterpreterFor DoSomeConcStuff m
runDoSomeConcStuff = interpretSimple $ \case
  DoSomeConcStuff str -> liftBase $ concToIO $ doSomeConcStuffImplementation str

main :: IO String
main =
    runM @IO
  $ runAskConstSimple globalConfig
  $ runDoSomeConcStuff -- Important to place this after runCont
  $ runCont
  $ mainProgam

This way, you can make use of both Cont and Conc in the same program -- even though they're incompatible -- by splitting interpretation such that they're never used together.

Note that this doesn't work if doSomeConcStuff were higher-order, because then you wouldn't be able to interpret DoSomeConcStuff through using liftBase. This makes sense, because if doSomeConcStuff were higher-order, then there'd be no way to guarantee that mainProgram wouldn't smuggle in a computation to doSomeConcStuff that would do some Cont nastiness -- which Conc can't play nicely with.

Removing unnecessary primitive effects

This trick is easily adaptable to already existing effects which can let you get rid of primitive effects. Say you already have the following:

data DoBracketStuff m a where
  DoBracketStuff :: String -> DoBracketStuff m Int

doBracketStuffImplementation :: Eff Bracket m => String -> m Int

doBracketStuffToBracket :: Eff Bracket m => SimpleInterpreterFor DoBracketStuff m
doBracketStuffToBracket = interpretSimple $ \case
  DoBracketStuff str -> doBracketStuffImplementation str

If Bracket is going to be interpreted using bracketToIO (or runBracketLocally) down the line, then that will incur Bracket as a primitive effect, even though you're only using it for the implementation of a first-order effect. By applying split interpretation and doing bracketToIO inside the handler of DoBracketStuff, you can get rid of Bracket as a primitive effect for the rest of the program.

doBracketStuffToIO :: (Carrier m, MonadMask m) => SimpleInterpreterFor DoBracketStuff m
doBracketStuffToIO = interpretSimple $ \case
  DoBracketStuff str -> liftBase $ bracketToIO $ doBracketStuffImplementation str

Note that this does place a MonadMask constraint, like bracketToIO, but since it no longer imposes Bracket as a primitive effect you can simply run this after any interpreter whose carrier can't lift MonadMask.

Abstract effect interpretation

One of the largest issues with in-other-words is the problematic nature of using interpreters that emit threading constraints inside of application code. Fortunately, split interpretation makes this much less of an issue than it could be.

Consider the following program:

  :: Effs '[Ask GlobalConfig, State Int] m
  => m Bool

mainProgram :: ( Eff (Ask GlobalConfig) m
               , Threaders '[StateThreads] m p
            => m String
mainProgram = do
  (endLocalState, res) <- runState initLocalState doLocalStateStuff

The use of runState here is painful. It generates a threading constraint that needs to be propagated throughout the program, and may end up not being satisfied due to some primitive effect down the line. It also chooses a specific implementation of a state interpreter at the use-site, when all the program really cares about is having the ability to run state locally in some way. A workaround to this issue is to make doLocalStateStuff -- taking its initial state and returning the final state -- into a new effect.

data DoLocalStateStuff :: Effect where
  DoLocalStateStuff :: Int -> DoLocalStateStuff m (Int, Bool)

doLocalStateStuff :: Eff DoLocalStateStuff m => Int -> m (Int, Bool)
doLocalStateStuff init = send DoLocalStateStuff

  :: Effs '[Ask GlobalConfig, State Int] m
  => m Bool

mainProgram :: Effs
                '[ Ask GlobalConfig
                 , DoLocalStateStuff
                 ] m
            => m String
mainProgram = do
  (endLocalState, res) <- doLocalStateStuff initLocalState

This way, you can decide what State interpretation to use at interpretation time (outside of application code) without any issues:

  :: Effs [Ask GlobalConfig, Embed IO] m
  => SimpleInterpreterFor DoLocalStateStuff m
doLocalStateStuffToIO = interpretSimple $ \case
  DoLocalStateStuff initState -> stateToIO initState doLocalStateStuffImplementation

  :: ( Eff (Ask GlobalConfig) m
     , Threaders '[StateThreads] m p
  => SimpleInterpreterFor DoLocalStateStuff m
runDoLocalStateStuff = interpretSimple $ \case
  DoLocalStateStuff initState -> runState initState doLocalStateStuffImplementation

main :: IO String
main =
    runM @IO
  $ runAskConstSimple globalConfig
  $ doLocalStateStuffToIO -- or runDoLocalStateStuff
  $ mainProgam

Note that unlike the other examples, these interpretations don't make use of liftBase, meaning DoLocalStateStuff could be higher-order if it needs to be (using lift in the interpretations as necessary). This doesn't work for every interpreter, however: say we instead had DoLocalErrorStuff and wanted doLocalErrorStuffToIO. errorToIO has a MonadCatch constraint, so if we want to use that to implement doLocalErrorStuffToIO, we would need to use liftBase, so DoLocalErrorStuff better not be higher-order. This can sometimes be worked around; interpreters that place constraints on the carrier sometimes have an alternative version that relies on an effect insted. For errorToIO, that alternative interpreter is errorToErrorIO. By using that, you avoid placing the MonadCatch constraint, and thus you don't need to use liftBase. This comes at a cost: you need to run errorIOToIO somewhere in your interpretation stack, and errorIOToIO imposes a primitive effect. So if you can use liftBase with errorToIO instead, you probably should.

Split interpretation can be used to solve both the problems of incompatible effects and abstract effect interpretation simultaneously. NonDet is another effect which can't gel with Conc, but if you only need it within a region, you can do this:

data DoLocalNonDetStuff m a where
  DoLocalNonDetStuff :: String -> DoLocalNonDetStuff m [Int]

doLocalNonDetStuff :: Eff DoLocalNonDetStuff m => String -> m [Int]
doLocalNonDetStuff str = send (DoLocalNonDetStuff str)

  :: Effs [Ask GlobalConfig, NonDet] m
  => String -> m Int

mainProgram :: Effs
                '[ Ask GlobalConfig
                 , DoLocalNonDetStuff
                 , Conc
                 ] m
            => m String
mainProgram = do
  results <- doLocalNonDetStuff arg

runDoLocalNonDetStuff :: ( Eff (Ask GlobalConfig) m
                         , Threaders [NonDetThreads] m p
                      => SimpleInterpreterFor DoLocalNonDetStuff m
runDoLocalNonDetStuff = interpretSimple $ \case
  DoLocalNonDetStuff str -> runNonDet @[] (doLocalNonDetStuffImplementation str)

main :: IO String
main =
    runM @IO
  $ runAskConstSimple globalConfig
  $ runDoLocalNonDetStuff -- Important to place this after concToIO
  $ concToIO
  $ mainProgam

Making Effects RepresentationalEff

RepresentationalEff is the minimal requirement for an effect to be an effect: it means that the effect e m a is representational in m, meaning if you have monads m and n that have the same internal representation, then e m a and e n a have the same internal representation. What this in essence corresponds to is that you put no constraints upon m in your effect, and m is not present in the returned value of an action of the effect.

GHC derives RepresentationalEff automatically for any effects, so you never have to make instances of your own. It could happen, however, that some effect you define will turn out to not be representational in m. What do you do then?

You can check if your effect is representational by checking :info YourEffect in GHCi. If you get a type role message where the second-to-last parameter says nominal, then your effect is not representational. Otherwise, it is. For example:

data NaiveLayer s :: Effect where
  NaiveLayer :: m s -> NaiveLayer s m (m s)

If you do :info NaiveLayer, you get

type role NaiveLayer nominal nominal nominal

And since the second-to-last parameter is nominal (the one corresponding to m), this effect is not representational, and thus not valid.

In this example, the reason this is not representational is that m is present in the return value. The solution is really simple: add a function to transform the result inside the action, so that m is not present in the result:

data Layer s :: Effect where
  Layer :: (m s -> res) -> m s -> Layer s m res

This is equivalent to NaiveLayer, since you can do:

layer :: Eff (Layer s) m => m s -> m (m s)
layer m = send (Layer id m)

And interpretation just has to apply the provided function before giving back the result.

The difference is that Layer is representational. :info Layer gives:

type role Layer nominal representational representational

And so your effect is saved.

Effects that place constraints on m are more difficult to save, and can't always be done. Let's consider the BaseControl effect. The naive implementation of it would be this:

data BaseControl b :: Effect where
  BaseControl :: (MonadBaseControl b m => m a) -> BaseControl b m a

This is not representational because of the constraint placed on m inside of the function. The solution is to use Coercible so the constraint is placed on a different monad which is coercible to m:

data BaseControl b :: Effect where
  BaseControl :: (forall z. (Coercible z m, MonadBaseControl b z) => Proxy z -> m a) -> BaseControl b m a

Coercible is an exception to the rule: placing a Coercible constraint on m won't make BaseControl not representational.

This solution does make BaseControl more difficult to use and interpret. You'll have to figure out tricks to not make this internal machinery visible to the user. The implementation of BaseControl that in-other-words provides uses coerce together with an action that makes use of a custom carrier (see GainBaseControlC in the source code of Control.Effect.BaseControl).

If you want to place a constraint on m as part of the GADT constructor, you can use Coercible on an existential. For example, instead of

data Zippy :: Effect where
  Zippy :: MonadZip m => m a -> m b -> Zippy m (a, b)

You can do:

data Zippy :: Effect where
  Zippy :: (MonadZip z, Coercible z m) => z a -> z b -> Zippy m (a, b)

and still be able to create the action:

zippy :: (Eff Zippy m, MonadZip m) => m a -> m b -> m (a, b)
zippy ma mb = send (Zippy ma mb)

Interpreters of Zippy will then have to coerce the provided arguments in order to transform them to the Carrier the interpreter is expected to work with. For example:

interpretSimple @Zippy $ \case
  Zippy ma mb -> coerce (mzip ma mb)

Novel Carriers

If the mix of InterpretC, IntroC, CompositionC and friends aren't good enough for your purposes, you may want to look into creating your own carriers. This can get surprisingly difficult, so try to primarily use the tools offered in Control.Effect.

The tools needed to create your own Carrier instances are offered in Control.Effect.Carrier.

Carrier newtypes

Defining Carrier instances for simple newtypes of existing carriers is relatively easy, but tedious. No matter what the newtype is, you will want to derive as many as possible of the type classes that users of or interpreters in in-other-words may make use of. Control.Effect.Carrier re-exports the names of the following type classes for the purposes of newtype deriving:

  Alternative, MonadPlus
, MonadFix, MonadFail, MonadIO
, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask
, MonadBase, MonadBaseControl
, MonadTrans, MonadTransControl

Deriving Carrier may require additional measures. In the simple case of:

newtype NewtypeWrapperC m a = NewtypeWrapperC (m a)

You can simply newtype-derive Carrier. Control.Effect.Carrier also exports IdentityT so you can derive MonadTrans and MonadTransControl via IdentityT for these kinds of newtype wrappers.

For newtypes that transform the wrapped m, things get more complicated. For example, for:

newtype ErrorStateC m a = ErrorStateC (ErrorC String (StateC Int m) a)

You must standalone newtype-derive the Carrier instance, and that instance requires the constraints necessary to run the interpreters corresponding to the carriers used. So as ErrorStateC uses ErrorC (runError) and StateC (runState), deriving a newtype instance of Carrier for ErrorStateC can be done as follows:

deriving newtype instance (Carrier m, Threaders '[ErrorThreads, StateThreads] m p)
                       => Carrier (ErrorStateC m)

You may instead want to define a Carrier instance manually, instead of deriving it. How to do this is detailed in the next section.

With novel monad transformers

If you want to create a Carrier that is not a simple newtype over an existing carrier, but uses a novel monad transformer, then you have to make a Carrier instance manually.

A Carrier m must define the associated derived effects Derivs m and primitive effects Prims m corresponding to the carrier, as well as the two methods algPrims and reformulate. For further reading, see The Inner Workings of the Library.

We'll be exploring how to make two carriers, both based on the underlying monad transformer:

newtype ChurchExceptT e m a = ChurchExceptT {
    runChurchExceptT :: forall r. (e -> m r) -> (a -> m r) -> m r

instance Monad m => Monad (ChurchExceptT e m) where
  return a = ChurchExceptT $ \_ right -> right a
  m >>= f = ChurchExceptT $ \left right ->
    runChurchExceptT m left $ \a ->
    runChurchExceptT (f a) left right

instance MonadTrans (ChurchExceptT e) where
  lift m = ChurchExceptT $ \_ right -> m >>= right

throwE :: e -> ChurchExceptT e m a
throwE e = ChurchExceptT $ \left _ -> left e

catchE :: ChurchExceptT e m a -> (e -> ChurchExceptT e m a) -> ChurchExceptT e m a
catchE m h = ChurchExceptT $ \left right ->
  runChurchExceptT (\e -> runChurchExceptT (h e) left right) right m

One of the Carriers will be ChurchThrowC, which simply implements the Throw effect, and the other Carrier will be ChurchErrorC, which expands on ChurchThrowC by also providing a Catch effect. The reason why these are seperated is that ChurchErrorC will also impose a primitive effect in order to perform its catches.

Starting with ChurchThrowC:

newtype ChurchThrowC e m a = ChurchThrowC {
    unChurchThrowC :: ChurchExceptT e m a
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, ...)

instance Carrier m => Carrier (ChurchThrowC e m) where
  type Derivs (ChurchThrowC e m) = Throw e ': Derivs m
  type Prims  (ChurchThrowC e m) = Prims m

  algPrims = ...

  reformulate = ...

Control.Effect.Carrier provides a variety of combinators for defining algPrims and reformulate. We'll begin by using them to define reformulate. We have access to:

reformulate @m
  :: Reformulation
       (Derivs m)
       (Prims m)

We need to define:

reformulate @(ChurchThrowC e m)
  :: Reformulation
       (Throw e ': Derivs m)
       (Prims m)
       (ChurchThrowC e m)

First of all, we have liftReform, which allows you to lift the monad parameter of a Reformulation. This allows us to get

liftReform (reformulate @m)
  :: Reformulation
       (Derivs m)
       (Prims m)
       (ChurchThrowC e m)

Now, we need to add Throw e as a derived effect. addDeriv is an analogue to intepretSimple that allows you to do this. Its type signature is:

addDeriv :: ( RepresentationalEff e
            , Monad m
         => (  forall z x
             . ( Carrier z
               , Prims z ~ p
               , Derivs z ~ r
               , MonadBase m z
            => e (Effly z) x -> Effly z x
         -> Reformulation r p m
         -> Reformulation (e ': r) p m

Don't be overwhelmed: it's similar to the type signature of interpretSimple (with EffHandler). In particular, note the MonadBase m z constraint inside the handler, which allows you to lift first-order operations. We can use this to lift throwE as defined earlier:

    addDeriv (\case
      Throw e -> liftBase $ ChurchThrowC $ throwE e
  $ liftReform
  $ reformulate @m

And this completes our definition of reformulate; this has the desired type signature

Reformulation (Throw e ': Derivs m) (Prims m) (ChurchThrowC e m)

Let's move on to algPrims. We need to construct:

algPrims @(ChurchThrowC e m)
  :: Algebra (Prims m) (ChurchThrowC e m)


algPrims @m
  :: Algebra (Prims m) m

If we were simply dealing with a newtype of m, we could set algPrims = coerce (algPrims @m), but since we're transforming m, it's not quite that simple. In fact, it's clear that this can't be done with what we currently have access to. This is the problem with primitive effects: their handlers need to be lifted on a transformer-by-transformer basis.

This is gone about by defining ThreadsEff instances for the relevant monad transformer and each relevant effect. So in order to lift algPrims, we need to establish that ThreadsEff instances exist for the relevant monad transformer for each effect of Prims m. Threads does just that, and provides:

thread :: (Threads t p, Monad m)
       => Algebra p m
       -> Algebra p (t m)

The "relevant monad transformer" in this case is ChurchExceptT. So if we add the Threads (ChurchExceptT e) (Prims m) constraint to our instance, we gain access to

thread :: Algebra (Prims m) m -> Algebra (Prims m) (ChurchExceptT e m)

to which we can provide algPrims @m to get

Algebra (Prims m) (ChurchExceptT e m)

Finally, since ChurchThrowC is a newtype over ChurchExceptT, we can coerce this to get

Algebra (Prims m) (ChurchThrowC e m)

The final definition is:

algPrims = coerce (thread @(ChurchExceptT e) (algPrims @m))

and the final instance is:

instance ( Carrier m
         , Threads (ChurchExceptT e) (Prims m)
      => Carrier (ChurchThrowC e m) where
  type Derivs (ChurchThrowC e m) = Throw e ': Derivs m
  type Prims  (ChurchThrowC e m) = Prims m

  algPrims = coerce (thread @(ChurchExceptT e) (algPrims @m))

  reformulate =
      addDeriv (\case
        Throw e -> liftBase $ ChurchThrowC $ throwE e
    $ liftReform
    $ reformulate

And we're done.

Now, let's move on to ChurchErrorC. As shown in Helper primitive effects, we need a primitive effect, since we're not interpreting the higher-order Catch in terms of other effects, and Optional ((->) e) is the perfect pick:

newtype ChurchErrorC e m a = ChurchErrorC {
    unChurchErrorC :: ChurchExceptT e m a
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, ...)

instance ( Carrier m
         , Threads (ChurchExceptT e) (Prims m)
      => Carrier (ChurchErrorC e m) where
  type Derivs (ChurchErrorC e m) = Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m
  type Prims  (ChurchErrorC e m) = Optional ((->) e) ': Prims m

  algPrims = ...

  reformulate = ...

Let's once again begin with reformulate. Note that the tail end of our effect stack is identical to that of ChurchThrowC's; and since both ChurchErrorC and ChurchThrowC are newtypes over ChurchExceptT, we can actually repurpose reformulate of ChurchThrowC by coercing it with the help of coerceReform:

coerceReform (reformulate @(ChurchThrowC e m))
  :: Reformulation
       (Throw e ': Derivs m)
       (Prims m)
       (ChurchErrorC e m)

Now, we want to add Catch e as a derived effect; problem is, we want to interpret it in terms of Optional ((->) e), and that isn't present in the derived effects, here. Because of that, we'll use addPrim to add Optional ((->) e) as a primitive effect, which also gives us access to it as a derived effect:

  $ coerceReform
  $ reformulate @(ChurchThrowC e m)
      :: Reformulation
           (Optional ((->) e) ': Throw e ': Derivs m)
           (Optional ((->) e) ': Prims m)
           (ChurchErrorC e m)

And now we're free to add Catch e as a derived effect, which makes use of Optional:

    addDeriv (\case
      Catch m h -> join $ optionally h (fmap pure m)
  $ addPrim
  $ coerceReform
  $ reformulate @(ChurchThrowC e m)
    :: Reformulation
         (Catch e ': Optional ((->) e) ': Throw e ': Derivs m)
         (Optional ((->) e) ': Prims m)
         (ChurchErrorC e m)

Now we've provided both Throw and Catch as derived effects, but the type signature still isn't quite what we need it to be. We shouldn't expose that Optional ((->) e) as a derived effect; we needed it as such to interpret Catch, but to the outside user, it should only be visible as a primitive effect. To fix that, we can make use of weakenReformUnderMany, which allows us to remove derived effects from a reformulation:

                       -- v The top effects of the stack before the effects to remove
    weakenReformUnderMany @'[Catch e] @'[Optional ((->) e)] 
                                     -- ^ What effects to remove
  $ addDeriv (\case
      Catch m h -> join $ optionally h (fmap pure m)
  $ addPrim
  $ coerceReform
  $ reformulate @(ChurchThrowC e m)
      :: Reformulation
           (Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m)
           (Optional ((->) e) ': Prims m)
           (ChurchErrorC e m)

Both of the type applications to weakenReformUnderMany are needed. But since we're only have one effect on the top of the stack before the effects to remove, we can actually use the simpler weakenReformUnder, which lets us omit the first type application:

                    -- v What effects to remove
    weakenReformUnder @'[Optional ((->) e)]
  $ addDeriv (\case
      Catch m h -> join $ optionally h (fmap pure m)
  $ addPrim
  $ coerceReform
  $ reformulate @(ChurchThrowC e m)
    :: Reformulation
         (Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m)
         (Optional ((->) e) ': Prims m)
         (ChurchErrorC e m)

In fact, since we're only removing one effect, we can use weakenReformUnder1, which allows us to get rid of the other type application.

  $ addDeriv (\case
      Catch m h -> join $ optionally h (fmap pure m)
  $ addPrim
  $ coerceReform
  $ reformulate @(ChurchThrowC e m)
    :: Reformulation
         (Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m)
         (Optional ((->) e) ': Prims m)
         (ChurchErrorC e m)

And we're done with reformulate.

algPrims is actually easier in comparison. As with reformulate, we can begin with repurposing algPrims for ChurchThrowC:

coerce (algPrims @(ChurchThrow e m)) :: Algebra (Prims m) (ChurchErrorC e m)

Now, we need to add a handler for Optional ((->) e) onto this. This is done through powerAlg:

powerAlg :: Algebra r m
         -> (forall x. e m x -> m x)
         -> Algebra (e ': r) m

And the handler is based on using catchE:

powerAlg (coerce (algPrims @(ChurchThrow e m))) $ \case
  Optionally h m -> ChurchErrorC $
    unChurchErrorC m `catchE` (return . h)

And we're done. The final instance is as follows:

instance ( Carrier m
         , Threads (ChurchExceptT e) (Prims m)
      => Carrier (ChurchErrorC e m) where
  type Derivs (ChurchErrorC e m) = Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m
  type Prims  (ChurchErrorC e m) = Optional ((->) e) ': Prims m

  algPrims = powerAlg (coerce (algPrims @(ChurchThrow e m))) $ \case
    Optionally h m -> ChurchErrorC $
      unChurchErrorC m `catchE` (return . h)

  reformulate = 
    $ addDeriv (\case
        Catch m h -> join $ optionally h (fmap pure m)
    $ addPrim
    $ coerceReform
    $ reformulate @(ChurchThrowC e m)

Although the instance is done, this still isn't enough to use these carriers in practice. Since the two carriers make use of a completely new monad transformer in the form of ChurchExceptT, you need to define ThreadsEff instances for it over all the various primitive effects so that the Threads (ChurchExceptT e) (Prims m) constraint can actually be satisfied. You also likely want to make a threading constraint for it, which the interpreters making use of these carriers should emit. In this case, the threading constraint should be:

class    (forall e. Threads (ChurchExceptT e) p) => ChurchErrorThreads p
instance (forall e. Threads (ChurchExceptT e) p) => ChurchErrorThreads p

This is a lot of boilerplate, and there's no way to avoid it in this case. Of course, if you're using a completely novel monad transformer, you're probably not a typical user, but rather a library writer/contributer and can bear to do it.

Effect Interception

Two of the most complicated effects offered by the library -- and among the most powerful -- are Intercept and its brother InterceptCont. These effects allow you to modify how actions of a specific first-order effect are executed within a region.

These effects serve a very specific niche: defining a class of higher-order effects that even mtl would have serious issues with. Outside of that, you should try to avoid using Intercept. Its complexity typically isn't worth it.

Imagine the following effect:

data Editorialized o :: Effect where
  Submit :: o -> Editorialized o m ()
  Edit   :: (o -> m (Maybe o)) -> m a -> Editorialized o m a

The intent here is that when you call edit upon a region, the passed action will be called at each point submit is called within the region, which may use effects of m in order to study, modify, and/or reject each submitted o.

Believe it or not, using Intercept is really the only good way to define an interpreter for this effect! The trick is to interpret it in terms of a first order effect and interceptions on that effect. In this case, the first-order effect of choice is rather obvious: Tell o. Here's how an editorializedToTell interpreter would look like:

type EditorializedToTellC o = CompositionC
 '[ ReinterpretSimpleC (Editorialized o)
      '[InterceptCont (Tell o), Intercept (Tell o), Tell o]
  , InterceptContC (Tell o)

editorializedToTell :: forall o m a p
                     . ( Eff (Tell o) m
                       , Threaders '[SteppedThreads, ReaderThreads] m p
                    => EditorializedToTellC o m a -> m a
editorializedToTell =
  . reinterpretSimple (\case
      Submit o -> tell o
      Edit f m ->
        intercept @(Tell o)
          (\(Tell o) -> f o >>= \case
              Just o' -> tell o'
              Nothing -> pure ()
  . runComposition

This seems simple, but there are a lot of things to keep in mind here.

  • runInterceptCont @eff interprets three effects: InterceptCont eff, Intercept eff, and eff. In this case (where eff = Tell o), we prevent all three from being exposed (using reinterpretSimple) to the outside world.
  • Because we hide the Tell o interpreted by runInterceptCont, all tells (not submits) in application code won't get intercepted by our uses of intercept. You may or may not want that behaviour. If you don't want it, it's as simple as removing Tell o from the list of effects ReinterpretC hides.
  • If any interpreter run after editorializedToTell uses the Tell o effect, then those uses of tell won't get intercepted, even if we don't hide the Tell o effect. To prevent this happening, you typically want to follow up a use of runInterceptCont @eff by immediately interpreting eff.

Let's follow the advice from the last bullet point and combine our editorializedToTell interpreter with an interpreter for Tell o.

type EditorializedC o = CompositionC
 '[ IntroUnderC (Editorialized o) '[Tell o]
  , EditorializedToTellC o
  , TellListC o

runEditorialized :: ( Carrier m
                    , Threaders '[SteppedThreads, ReaderThreads, WriterThreads] m p
                 => EditorializedC o m a
                 -> m ([o], a)
runEditorialized =
  . editorializedToTell
  . introUnder
  . runComposition

This works, but it has a significant problem; that WriterThreads threading constraint! runInterceptCont makes use of the primitive effect Unravel, and WriterThreads doesn't accept it! This means although you can use runEditorialized once, you can't use it multiple times; or combine it with any other interpreter that may use runInterceptCont. Because of this problem, the Control.Effect.Intercept module actually offers alternative interpreters for State and Tell that can be used in place of the regular ones. These interpreters emit a SteppedThreads threading constraint instead of the normal threading constraint of each corresponding interpreter, and SteppedThreads does accept Unravels, getting rid of the issue:

type EditorializedC o = CompositionC
 '[ IntroUnderC (Editorialized o) '[Tell o]
  , EditorializedToTellC o
  , SteppedC (Tell o)

runEditorialized :: ( Carrier m
                    , Threaders '[SteppedThreads, ReaderThreads] m p
                 => EditorializedC o m a
                 -> m ([o], a)
runEditorialized =
  . editorializedToTell
  . introUnder
  . runComposition
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