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Knickedi edited this page Nov 25, 2011 · 3 revisions

If you fetched up here to take a look at the plugin and test it then here's a request to you:

  • first of all: you have to put the DLL file into the Extensions folder in your banshee root directory (under Ubuntu it's /usr/lib/banshee/Extensions/) - don't but it twice there, delete the previous extension
  • banshee extension is tested under Ubuntu 11.04, Banshee 2.2.1 and the android application on a Samsung Galaxy S (I9000) with android 2.2.1 and emulator by myself
    please report problems on other platforms in the issue section
  • all releases are test builds so far - be prepared to find bugs - nevertheless, the builds should be pretty stable
  • see this issue: shuffle function can crash the banshee player

You're free to contact me. My smartphone keeps me always up to date...

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