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Track information (2)

Knickedi edited this page Nov 29, 2011 · 9 revisions


Request track information for currently played track.




4[track duration]
2[track title length]?[title string bytes]
2[artist name length]?[artist string bytes]
2[album title length]?[album string bytes]
2[genre length]?[genre string bytes]
2[cover ID length]?[cover ID string bytes]

Current track information or empty strings or 0 values if there's no track playing right now.
All information can be pulled from a synchronized database instead using this request (see Database synchronization for more).

  • total track duration (Integer) - duration in milliseconds
  • track title (String)
  • artist name (String)
  • album title (String)
  • genre (String)
  • track year (Short)
  • cover ID (String) - relates to the synchronized database and the cover request
  • rating (byte) - 0 to 5 represents track rating