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Disabling Query Rewrites

Eliza Margaretha edited this page Nov 4, 2021 · 1 revision

Kustvakt full version includes some query rewrites that may not be relevant for systems other than KorAP. The query rewrites can be disabled in the spring configuration file, which is located at: /Kustvakt-full/src/main/resources/default-config.xml

Go to the lines populating the query rewrites as shown below.

<!-- Rewrite -->
<bean id="foundryRewrite" class="de.ids_mannheim.korap.rewrite.FoundryRewrite"/>
<bean id="collectionRewrite" class="de.ids_mannheim.korap.rewrite.CollectionRewrite"/>
<bean id="virtualCorpusRewrite" class="de.ids_mannheim.korap.rewrite.VirtualCorpusRewrite"/>
<bean id="queryReferenceRewrite" class="de.ids_mannheim.korap.rewrite.QueryReferenceRewrite"/>
<util:list id="rewriteTasks" value-type="de.ids_mannheim.korap.rewrite.RewriteTask">
  <ref bean="foundryRewrite" />
  <ref bean="collectionRewrite" />
  <ref bean="virtualCorpusRewrite" />
  <ref bean="queryReferenceRewrite" />

Comment the bean and the reference of the query rewrite to disable. For instance, to disable collectionRewrite, the bean with id="collectionRewrite" and ref bean="collectionRewrite" should be commented.

Collection rewrite manages rewrites on virtual corpora by using availability regex in kustvakt.conf, which should also be commented.

## availability regex
## only support |
# = CC-BY.*
# availability.regex.public = ACA.*|QAO.NC
# availability.regex.all = QAO.*

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