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LDAP Setting

Eliza Margaretha edited this page Feb 15, 2023 · 2 revisions

Kustvakt full version needs a file containing all necessary information to access the LDAP system and to authenticate and authorize users (see example LDAP config below).

Properties in kustvakt.conf
ldap.config = path-to-ldap-config-file

To find, authenticate and authorize users, the ldap filter expression specified in searchFilter is used. Within this expression all occurrences of the placeholders ${login} and ${password} are replaced with the name and password the user has entered for logging in.

If searchFilter does not contain any occurrence of ${password} the user DN found via the filter expression will be authenticated via a regular LDAP bind operation, using the entered password. In this case, depending on the LDAP server, also hashed passwords are supported.

Optionally, the two filters authFilter and userNotBlockedFilter can be specified, in addition. The first should be used to check whether a known user has also signed the necessary EULA, for example, and the second to check that the known user is not blocked. This will be reflected in the error messages for failed logins.

Example ldap.conf
# use LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) if the server supports it
# to trust all certs, leave trustStore empty
# add ssl cipher suites if required as csv, e.g. TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
# DN of a user with full read access
# search for user with uid or email matching login, and signed EULA

Using Kustvakt-full's embedded LDAP server

Instead of you own LDAP server, you can also use Kustvakt-full's embedded in-memory LDAP server which uses UnboundID LDAP SDK for this purpose. In order to do so, the following additional settings are required in your ldap.conf:

# port=1234

Note that currently the embedded server ignores the host and useSSL settings, and only listens on the localhost interface. The port setting, on the other hand, is used.

The embedded server currently supports the following password encodings: clear passwords (prefix {CLEAR} or empty), {HEX}, {BASE64}, {SHA}, {SHA256}.

Note that none of these are safe against brute force attacks.

Try out the embedded LDAP server

You can try Kustvakt-full with embedded LDAP server using the example configuration provided in embedded-ldap-example.conf and users defined in example-users.ldif like this:

$ cp src/main/resources/kustvakt.conf .
$ java -jar target/Kustvakt-full-*.jar

The example-users.ldif defines the following login:password combinations: user:password, user1:password1, …, user4:password4, with differently encoded passwords.

To try it out together with KorAP's web user interface Kalamar, add "Auth" to the loaded plugins in kalamar.conf:

plugins => ["Auth"],

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