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Service: Virtual Corpus Access List

Eliza Margaretha edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 10 revisions

** WARNING: This service is experimental and may change without any notice.

Lists all virtual corpora accesses available to the authenticated user, if the user have virtual corpus access admin rights. If the groupName is specified, lists only the virtual corpora accesses available to the group. In this case, the authenticated user must have the virtual corpus admin right for the group.

Available in: full version

Method: GET

Service URL: root/vc/access/


Header Parameter

Name Required Authentication scheme Value
Authorization yes HTTP authentication with custom scheme: Bearer OAuth2 access token

Query Parameter

Name Required Description Type
groupName no a user group name String


Request with cURL

List all virtual corpus accesses available to the authenticated user

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MTM1MzI3O


        "accessId": 2,
        "createdBy": "marlin",
        "vcId": 4,
        "vcName": "published-vc",
        "userGroupId": 1,
        "userGroupName": "marlin-group"
        "accessId": 4,
        "createdBy": "marlin",
        "vcId": 5,
        "vcName": "marlin-vc",
        "userGroupId": 1,
        "userGroupName": "marlin-group"
        "accessId": 1,
        "createdBy": "dory",
        "vcId": 2,
        "vcName": "group-vc",
        "userGroupId": 2,
        "userGroupName": "dory-group"

Request with Basic authentication (for testing only)

Lists virtual corpus accesses available to dory-group

curl -H 'Authorization: Basic ZG9yeTpwYXNzd29yZA==' 


    "accessId": 1,
    "createdBy": "dory",
    "vcId": 2,
    "vcName": "group-vc",
    "userGroupId": 2,
    "userGroupName": "dory group"

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