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Kqzz edited this page Oct 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

Config File


What is the config.txt file

The config.txt file has is so you are able to change specific settings with the sniper.

Config.txt syntax

the syntax for the config.txt file is key:value separated by a newline. The order of these does not matter at all.

config.txt required options

config.txt comes with some default options. If you remove any of these the sniper will break.

  • skin The url for the skin to change to if change_skin is set to true. This can either be a link to a png file or a link to the Namemc page (like this).
  • skin_model The model type for the skin. Can either be skinny or blank.
  • change_skin Can either be true or false depending on if you want the skin to change or not.
  • timing_system Can either be api or namemc.
  • snipe_reqs Has to be a number with no decimal place. It's the number of requests sent per account when sniping.
  • block_reqs Has to be a number with no decimal place. It's the number of requests sent per account when blocking.
  • auth_delay Has to be a number with no decimal place. The time between accounts authenticating in ms.
  • max_accs Has to be a number with no decimal place. Maximum accounts used by the sniper.
  • auto_link_namemc Can either be true or false depending on if you want to automatically write the namemc linking code. Not implemented

config.txt optional options

  • wh You can have as many of these as you want. Put a discord webhook URL in here to announce your successful snipes in your server.
  • custom_announce A custom announce code to announce your snipes in the MCsniperPY discord server. You'll be given this when you run the >generate command in the MCsniperPY discord server.


If you need any assistance with this new feature please ask in the discord server.