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Purpur edited this page Feb 3, 2021 · 14 revisions


Operating System Differences

ignore this section until instructed The difference between operating systems for this program is the command used to run and install the requirements. to check which command you need to use, run these commands until one returns something like Python 3.8.x:

  • python -V
  • py -V
  • python3 -V
  • python3.8 -V

Whenever <python> is mentioned replace that with the one that worked without the -V. For example, if python3 -V worked for you, replace <python> with python3 If none of those work then you don't have python installed correctly. To fix this for windows, just uninstall and reinstall python but make sure to check "Add python 3.8.x to path" on the first screen.


The Linux usage steps are written for Ubuntu 20.04. Different operating systems may have different steps. You should follow the Linux setup guide if you are configuring MCsniperPY on a VPS. You can buy VPS from Vultr using my (Kqzz's) referral link for $100 free credit. You can also use any other VPS provider. If you choose to purchase a VPS, make sure to set up a root password rather than using SSH keys.

  1. Open a command prompt/terminal window.
  2. If you are using a VPS, type ssh root@, where is the IP of the Linux VPS. If you are executing the commands directly on the Linux machine, you can skip to step 4.
  3. You'll be prompted for a password. Type the password. It will look like you're not typing anything. This is intentional. Just type the password and hit enter.
  4. Type the following commands, in order:
    apt update
    mkdir /etc/snipe
    git clone
    nano /etc/snipe/MCsniperPY/accounts.txt
    cd /etc/snipe/MCsniperPY
    apt-get install python3-pip
    apt update
    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    apt-get install chrony
    chronyd -q
  5. Type >generate in #bot-commands to receive a webhook that will announce your snipes to the MCsniperPY Discord server. A Disord bot will DM you a code. Copy this code in its entirety.
  6. Switch to the command prompt/terminal and type nano /etc/snipe/MCsniperPY/webhook.txt
  7. Paste the code by right-clicking inside of the window. If the code is not pasted after right-clicking, try Ctrl + V and Shift + Ins
  8. Save the file by pressing Ctrl + X. Press Y, then press Enter to commit your changes.
  9. Go to and upload a .png file for the skin you want to automatically upload upon sniping a name. Then, right-click the image and select "Copy image address"
  10. Type nano /etc/snipe/MCsniperPY/skin.txt.
  11. Paste the image address and save the file.
  12. Type nano /etc/snipe/MCsniperPY/accounts.txt
  13. Add the account info into this file in the format email:password:answer to security question 1:answer to security question 2:answer to security question 3. If there are no security questions, you can simply write email:password. To add more than 1 account, add the second account's info to the second line. You may add up to 30 accounts.
  14. Save and close the file.
  15. Type cd /etc/snipe/MCsniperPY && python3 and follow the prompts.
  16. To snipe another name, just retype cd /etc/snipe/MCsniperPY && python3 If you would have a VPS and would like to reconnect to it after closing the window, you can re-open command prompt/terminal and type ssh root@ again.

Advanced Usage

If you are using a VPS, you may occasionally timeout if you are inactive in the command prompt/terminal window for a long enough time. To resolve this problem, please use an SSH client like PuTTY. After downloading PuTTY, follow the steps below to enable TCP keepalives.

  1. Click on the "Session" category.
  2. Under the "Load, save or delete a stored session" divider, select "Default Settings". Press "Load".
  3. Click on the "Connection" category.
  4. Change "Seconds between keepalives (0 to turn off)" to 10.
  5. Check the box labeled "Enable TCP keepalives (SO_KEEPALIVE option)".
  6. Return to the "Session" category, select "Default Settings", and press "Save"
  7. Type the IP of your machine into the "Host Name" textbox.
  8. Type an alias for the machine in the "Saved Sessions" textbox. Hit "Save".
  9. Click "Open". If you want to re-connect to your machine, you can open PuTTY, select the alias of the machine from the "Load, save or delete a stored session" divider, press "Load", then press "Open".

Video Tutorial

You can also watch a tutorial video that will give a brief overview of VPS setup here.



The Windows usage steps are written for Windows 10. Different versions may have different steps.

  1. Install python 3.8.5 from this link and git from this link.
  2. Open a Powershell or CMD window.
  3. You will see a directory such as: C:\Users\<name>. If you want to download the sniper to that location you can, but I recommend downloading it to somewhere like your desktop. To do this, type the command cd Desktop, this will change the directory to the desktop!
  4. Type git clone This will download the sniper.
  5. Type cd MCsniperPY. This will change the directory from the Desktop to the folder of MCsniperPY. Whenever you want the sniper to run again you will have to navigate to the directory of MCsniperPY in your terminal. If you exactly followed these instructions, you will have to type cd Desktop\MCsniperPY.
  6. Now, go to the operating system differences section and follow the instructions.
  7. Run <python> -m pip install -r requirements.txt in the same command prompt as before, to install the requirements.
  8. (optional) This is to announce your snipes in the MCsniperPY Discord server or in your own discord server. To announce your successful snipes in the MCsniperPY Discord server, go to the #bot-commands channel in the MCsniperPY Discord server and type >generate. A discord bot will direct message you authorization. It should look like custom_announce:code. copy this, including the custom_announce: part. In your command prompt type notepad webhook.txt. Now, paste the text you just copied into the notepad document and click Ctrl + s. To announce your snipes in your own discord server,
  9. sync your clock. A good method to do this is using Dimension 4, more info here (Look for the Dimension 4 section). do this before every snipe.
  10. Run <python>; this will start the sniper. it should have a message about "accounts.txt not found | creating one." This means it was successful.
  11. Open the file that was created (accounts.txt) in notepad or another text editor.
  12. Place your account(s) in that file in the format email:pass or if the account has security questions email:pass:answer1:answer2:answer3
  13. Press enter (in the terminal with the sniper), select 1 or 2 (sniping or blocking), the target name, and the custom delay (#info in the discord server), then it will start attempting to start the name. Wait until 55 seconds before the name becomes available for it to say [info] setup complete. After that, you should see some info on requests send in the terminal. This is receiving requests, not sending.


under construction

This whole wiki is under construction. If you would like to contribute contact Kqzz#0001 on discord.