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Rewrite of cyferki-watcher-bot in Rust to use shuttle deployments.


Game rules can be found in Rules

Required bot Privileged Gateway Intents

  • Message Content Intent

Required bot user permissions

  • Manage Roles ⚠️ Bot's role must be higher than any role that it sets for this feature to work ⚠️
  • Read Messages/View Channels
  • Send Messages
  • Manage Messages

local dev config


Make sure that rust toolset is up to date.

rustup update

Shuttle plugin for cargo is required for building, running and deployment of bot

cargo install cargo-shuttle


In main project directory create Secrets.toml file with following contents:

CLIENT_TOKEN="" # bot token
WATCHED_CHANNEL="test1" # name of channel to watch
WRONG_INCREMENT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE="{{author}} learn learn to count" # Content of message sent, when user posts wrong number
WRONG_FORMAT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE="{{author}} read game rules - message was not correct" # Content of message sent, when user posts message in wrong format
RANK_WON_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE="{{author}}, congratulations on winning rank {{role}}!" # Content of message sent, when user posts message with number winning role 
GAME_OVER_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE="Game over! Thanks for playing" # Content of message sent on last number
RANKS='{"10": "973271221112291409", "15": "973282436047839262"}' # JSON with number - rankId entries
GAME_OVER_NUMBER="16" # Number, on which game will end as a string

Config placeholders

  • {{author}} will be substituted with mention to message's author
  • {{role}} will be substituted with mention to won role

Run project locally

cargo shuttle run

Deploy to shuttle

cargo shuttle project new # only if project does not exist yet
cargo shuttle project start
cargo shuttle deploy

Secrets are populated initially from Secrets.toml file and can be edited with cargo shuttle secrets command.

Stop deployment

cargo shuttle project stop