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Nibrock edited this page Aug 27, 2022 · 5 revisions

Blep Fishing is set up to be as compatible as possible with just about any plugin. Incompatibilities may exist, but most, if not all, can be fixed with some simple reconfigurations.


As of 8/24/2022, there are no tested and proven incompatibilities with Blep Fishing.

If you discover one, feel free to post it in the Blep Addons Discord, and it will be looked into.


Fishing Plugins

While untested, Blep Fishing likely won't be able to be used with other Fishing plugins or plugins that override the default fishing event. (A notable exception is McMMO, which was made compatible with Blep Fishing in update 1.7, see McMMO Compatibility)

Custom Loot Tables

Blep Fishing doesn't add any loot tables to the game, and instead simply replaces the default fish AFTER they've been caught. This means that it is possible to use Blep Fishing in conjunction with a plugin that modifies loot tables, as long as it doesn't override the default fishing event. You would just have to keep this in mind in terms of balancing. If you, for example, added 1 Diamond as a possible fishing loot with a chance of 50%, and cod/salmon at 50%, you would have a 50% chance of catching a Blep Fishing fish, as Blep fishing does not interact with Minecraft until a fish is actually caught.

Custom Model Data

There may be conflicts with existing Custom Model Data if one exists previously for the specific Model ID.

The default Blep Fishing config contains overrides for the following Materials and Custom Model Data:

SALMON #1-28




As long as you don't have any pre-existing Custom Model Data with these Material IDs, the Blep Fishing textures and any pre-existing Custom Model Data will work flawlessly in conjunction with one another.

If you have conflicts with these, you would just need to reconfigure either the predicates in the Blep Fishing Resource Pack/Your Resource Pack or the Custom Model Data configured within the plugin that adds custom items to your server, and then change the Model Data: value for the fish to their new Custom Model Data/Predicate #.


Although Blep Fishing only displays a scoreboard temporarily, it may or may not overwrite a pre-existing one if one exists. If it does, it should go away like normal, but the external scoreboard plugin may not automatically come back.

Any issues with scoreboards can be fixed by disabling the scoreboard feature in Blep Fishing, or the one in the plugin causing the conflict.

Disabling the scoreboard can be done by changing the value to false in the following line in config.yml

Show ScoreBoard: false