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Grant Hess edited this page Aug 6, 2014 · 15 revisions


The CASP Flags section below is documented further here CASP Flags

DWORD version
DWORD offset bytes to tgilist count (position + 8)
DWORD preset count?

BYTE[] count of string
For byte[] 
	name of item

FLOAT catalog priority

BYTE ColorCode    -- only seems accurate under hair type objects
  (Black = 0x05, DarkBrown = 0x0a, Brown = 0x0f, Red = 0x11, Auburn = 0x14,
   Orange = 0x19, Blonde = 0x1e, Dirty Blonde = 0x23, Platinum = 0x28,
   White = 0x2d, Gray = 0x32, Purple Pastel = 0x37, Hot Pink = 0x3c,
   Dark Blue = 0x46, Turquoise = 0x4b, green = 0x50, Brown Salt and Pepper = 0x55,
   Black Salt and Pepper = 0x5a)

DWORD Outfit Group  -- All CASP items with the same number show up on the same thumbnail


DWORD Count1
For Count1
	WORD   Flag Category   
        WORD   Flag Value 
BYTE index into TGI list for swatch

BYTE Count2
For Count2
	DWORD   // color codes for swatch

BYTE Count3
For Count3
	"00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 80 00 00"
	BYTE Count4
	For Count4
		BYTE index into tgilist

BYTE[10] More indices into tgilist
   --Decode Notes:  On Clothing Items:
  OFFSET : TGI Type pointed to
      00 : 0x015A1849 GEOM
      01 : NULL
      02 : NULL
      03 : 0x3453CF95 RLE2 Texture
      04 : 0x3453CF95 RLE2 Bumpmap??
      05 : NULL
      06 : 0xAC16FBEC UNKN List of GEOMs
      07 : NULL
      08 : NULL
      09 : 0xBA856C78 RLES Specular??

BYTE Count of TGIs in the TGIlist
For Count of TGIs
	QWORD Instance
	DWORD Group

Note: Gender is in unkown3 offset 0x16 Male = 10, Female = 20, Unisex = 30

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