This fork adds KEYUP, SYSKEYDOWN, and SYSKEYUP printing.
Just a small tool to print received key strokes and their appropriate timestamps. All timestamps are in milliseconds and relative to the Windows boot time. If 2 or more timestamps are equal it means windows received them in at the same time with the same poll.
Downloads are available in Releases.
.Net Runtime 6.0 x64:
Run build.ps1
or manually run:
$options= @('--configuration', 'Release', '-p:PublishSingleFile=true', '-p:DebugType=embedded', '--self-contained', 'false')
dotnet publish KeyChordTester $options --runtime win-x64 --framework net6.0-windows -o build/win-x64
This Stackoverflow for a majority of the code. (basically all of it)