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Account List search filters edited this page Oct 10, 2013 · 1 revision

On the accounts/list page the search input box accepts a very limited number of criteria:

["port", db.t_services.f_number],
["proto", db.t_services.f_proto],
["user", db.t_accounts.f_username],
["name", db.t_accounts.f_fullname],
["domain", db.t_accounts.f_domain],
["hash", db.t_accounts.f_hash1],
["hash1", db.t_accounts.f_hash1],
["hash2", db.t_accounts.f_hash2],
["htype", db.t_accounts.f_hash1_type],
["uid", db.t_accounts.f_uid],
["gid", db.t_accounts.f_gid],
["level", db.t_accounts.f_level],
["source", db.t_accounts.f_source],
["desc", db.t_accounts.f_description],
["msg", db.t_accounts.f_message],
["ip", db.t_hosts.f_ipv4],
["ipv4", db.t_hosts.f_ipv4],
["ipv6", db.t_hosts.f_ipv6],
["hostname", db.t_hosts.f_hostname],

These are used by entering the search field and criteria separated by colons. For example:

htype:NT user:administrator

Searches are not case sensitive (they are upper cased) but exact:

            for val in srch_vals:
                srch_str = "%s:(?P<f>\w+)" % val[0]
                srch_res = re.findall(srch_str, srch_data)
                for res in srch_res:
                    parsed = True
                    if val[0] in ['source', 'desc', 'hostname']:
                        query &= (val[1].upper().contains(res.upper()))
                        query &= (val[1].upper() == res.upper())
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