Here lies both R and Python code that can be used for the evaluation of measurement error and accuracy in geometric morphometric analyses
Lloyd A. Courtenay
Current Afiliations:
Universidad de Salamanca [USAL]
This code has been designed for the open-access free R software, with some extensions in Python. This is easy to use by simply executing each line of code within either the R shell, or when applicable in python (via jupyter notebook, for example). The two languages in this study were combined using R-Studio.
Additional formatting of the actual code may be needed if these tools are to be applied to different landmark configuration models.
all geometric morphometric data are provided within this repository. For ease of use, these files have been formatted in the style of morphologika .
Please cite these codes as:
Courtenay (2020) Geometric Morphometric Accuracy Measurement Tools.
Note! In some cases we have experienced problems working with the "asbio" R package ( From this package a single function is used, therefore if the analyst experiences problems with installing or loading this package, we have included this single function in the R folder. The analyst can simply copy and paste this function into their R code for it to work. Please note that all credit for this function goes to the authros of this package and is not intelectual property of the corresponding author.