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Hackney Neighbourhood Contact Centre (NCC) CRM project.

Known Vulnerabilities

Making use of:

Angular app

The Angular app is currently stored in the ng-ncc-app subfolder.

cd ng-ncc-app
npm install (or yarn install)
ng serve

App version number

What's the current version number?

npm version

Update the current version number...

npm version major # increment the version major number
npm version minor # increment the version minor number
npm version patch # increment the version patch number

If building the app throws an error with a missing versioning.js file:

cd ng-ncc-app
node src/versioning.js

This creates a versioning.js file used by the app to obtain the current version number.

RUNNING the site(s) locally

Main site

cd ng-ncc-app
ng serve

Callback response app

cd ng-ncc-app
ng serve ng-ncc-callback

BUILDING site versions

When copying files over to the host folders, be careful not to remove the web.config file Everything else should be safe to delete or replace.

The main app

LIVE test site

ng build -c live-test

Build folder: ng-ncc-app/dist/live-test

Server folder: \\lbhwebintd01\c$\ng-ncc-app-live-test

Single Sign On (SSO): http://lbhwebintd01:3030

View Only mode: http://lbhwebintd01:3030/default.aspx?viewonly

Front end: http://lbhwebintd01:4040


ng build --prod

Build folder: ng-ncc-app/dist/ng-ncc-app

Folder: \\lbhwsappp01\c$\ng-ncc-app

Single Sign On (SSO):

View Only mode: http://lbhwsappp01:3030/default.aspx?viewonly

Front end:

The callback response app

NOTE: this also has a web.config file.

Test site

ng build ng-ncc-callback -c live-test

(this will use live-test settings.)

Build folder: ng-ncc-app/dist/live-test/callback

Server folder: \lbhwebintd01\c$\ng-ncc-callback

Front end: http://lbhwebintd01:6060/[callback id]/[email address]


ng build ng-ncc-callback --prod

Build folder: ng-ncc-app/dist/ng-ncc-callback

Server folder: \lbhdmzwebp03\c$\ng-ncc-callback_test

Front end:[callback id]/[email address]