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Hackney Works WP theme

WordPress theme for Hackney Works.

It makes heavy use of custom post types and taxonomies, particularly:

  • courses, which can belong to curriculum areas and providers.
  • intakes, which belong to courses
  • vacancies, which can belong to sectors
  • workshops, which can belong to sectors
  • checklist items, which can belong to a course
  • testimonials, which can be added to courses and some pages

Developing locally

You need a Wordpress website up and running. Clone this repo into the wp-content/themes folder.

Then, activate it through the WP admin dashboard.

It expects Advanced Custom Fields to be installed.

It has some pre-configured custom fields in inc/custom-fields.php.

To make changes to JS and SCSS files you'll need to start up the Parcel bundler and Gulp:

npm i
npm run dev

It will watch for changes.

You can use moden JavaScript syntax (including JSX) and any imports supported by Parcel.

Editor blocks

The theme includes several custom blocks for the WP editor.

They're defined in /src/js/blocks and compiled into a second JS bundle that's included on the admin screens only.

Using it in production

Make sure that you run npm run build to create production JS and SCSS before deploying it to a live site.


It's intended to be used with ACF's Google Map field. It needs a Google API key to be set. You can do it with a line like this in wp-config.php:

define("GOOGLE_CLIENT_KEY", "your_api_key_here");

Make sure you add it above the /* That's all, stop editing. Happy blogging! */ line.

Submitting applications

It looks for a JS environment variable SUBMIT_APPLICATION_ENDPOINT which is the API host applications will be posted to.

You can provide this with a .env file if you like.

You can't provide JS config using PHP define() statements.,

If you don't provide a value, it defaults to the Hackney Works staging site URL.