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Tiago Alves de Oliveira edited this page Jan 19, 2016 · 4 revisions


LCAD Logo CARMEN, the Carnegie Mellon Robot Navigation Toolkit, is an open-source collection of software for mobile robot control. CARMEN is modular software designed to provide basic navigation primatives including: base and sensor control, logging, obstacle avoidance, localization, path planning, and mapping.

The CARMEN LCAD is Version of the carmen robot framework developed by LCAD for IARA - Intelligent Autonomous Robotic Autonomobile.

About LCAD

The goal of the High Performance Computing Laboratory (LCAD) is to provide a computational environment that supports processing of multiple applications that require or benefit from parallel processing / distribution. The implementation of LCAD was made possible by CTPETRO INFRA notice resources - FINEP, aiming to provide universities and research centers in the basic infrastructure necessary for research and development in the oil industry context. Today, LCAD acts not only in the oil industry-related projects, but also projects in the scientific community at large that require high processing power / memory and storage capacity.

To learn more about our participation in the "Amazon Picking Challenge" visit:

To learn more about the "Autonomous UFES vehicle" visit the project blog:

To learn more about our participation in "The DARPA Robotic Challenge" visit:

Address: Av Fernando Ferrari, 514, CT-IX Building, Room 101, Victoria - ES - Brazil - +55 (27) 4009-2138.

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