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The promoter plugin monitors events on resources an executes systemd units. This plugin can be used for simple high-availability.


It is beautiful when there is nothing left to take away. - someone, about HA-clustering

If your HA failover cluster solution depends on DRBD for persisting your data, the state of DRBD should determine if, and where, that data should best be used. If we add a cluster manager, the cluster manager decides where services should run, but depending on cluster communication, membership and quorum, and other factors, that may or may not agree with where DRBD has "best access to good data".

If you need to base decisions on other factors, like external connectivity, or other "environmental health", or auto-rebalance resource placement, or have a complex resource dependency tree, you still want to use your favorite cluster manager (Pacemaker).

But if we can take away the cluster manager, and get away with it (in "relevant" scenarios), that would be a win for some setups.


By default the plugin generates a series of systemd service overrides (i.e., what systemd calls "Drop-In") and a systemd target unit that contains dependencies on these generated services. The services, and their order, is defined via the list specified via start = []. The plugin generates two implicit extra units:

  • a drbd-promote@ override that promotes the DRBD resource (i.e., switches it to Primary). This is a dependency for all the other units from start (according overrides are generated).
  • a drbd-resource@ target that subsumes all the generated dependencies from the start list.

Let's look at a simple example to see which overrides get generated from a dummy start list like this:

start = [ "a.service", "b.service", "c.service" ]
  • /var/run/systemd/system/drbd-promote@foo.d/reactor.conf containing the necessary pieces to wait for the backing devices of DRBD resource "foo" and to promote it to Primary.
  • /var/run/systemd/system/a.service.d/reactor.conf containing a dependency on drbd-promote@foo
  • /var/run/systemd/system/b.service.d/reactor.conf containing dependencies on drbd-promote@foo and on a.service.
  • /var/run/systemd/system/c.service.d/reactor.conf containing dependencies on drbd-promote@foo and on b.service.
  • /var/run/systemd/system/ containing dependencies on a.service, b.service, and c.service.

If a DRBD resource changes its state to "may promote", the plugin (i.e., all plugins on all nodes in the cluster) start the generated systemd target (e.g., All will try to start the drbd-promote@ unit first, but only one will succeed and continue to start the rest of the services. All the others will fail intentionally.

If a resource loses "quorum", it stops the systemd drbd-services@ target and therefore all the dependencies. Stopping services on the node that lost quorum is the standard behavior one would expect from a cluster manger. There might be scenarios where it is preferable to freeze the started service until quorum is gained again. As this requires multiple prerequisites to hold true, freezing a resource on quorum loss is described in its own section.

The plugin's configuration can contain an action that is executed if a stop action fails (e.g., triggering a reboot). Start actions in start are interpreted as systemd units and have to have an according postfix (i.e. .service, .mount,...). ocf resource agents are supported via the service, see this section for details.

The configuration can contain a setting that specifies that resources are stopped whenever the plugin exits (e.g., on drbd-reactor service restart, or plugin restart).

The configuration also contains a runner that can be set to shell. Then the items in start are interpreted as shell scripts and started in order (no explicit targets or anything) and stopped in reverse order or as defined via stop. This can be used on systems without systemd and might be useful for Windows systems in the future. If you can, use the default systemd method, it is the preferred one.

Service dependencies

Let's get back to our simple example with start = [ "a.service", "b.service", "c.service" ]. As we noted in the previous section we generate a dependency chain for these services (i.e., all depend on drbd-promote@ as well as on the previous services). The strictness of these dependencies can be set via dependencies-as, where the default is Requires (see systemd.unit(5) for details).

We also generate the mentioned, which lists all the services from start. The dependencies for that are generated via the value set in target-as.

Especially when one debugs services it might make sense to lower these defaults to for example Wants. Otherwise a failed service might prohibit a successful start of the, which then triggers a stop of the target and its dependencies, which might again trigger a start because the resource is DRBD promotable again and so on.

It is really up to you and how strict/hard you want your dependencies and what their outcome should be. Requires should be a good default, you might lower or increase the strictness depending on the scenario.

OCF resource agents

It is possible to use resource agents in the start list of services via ocf:$vendor:$agent instance-id name=value .... The instance-id is user defined and gets postfixed with _$resourcename. For example the generated systemd unit for an instance-id of "p_iscsi_demo1" for a DRBD resource "foo" would be name/value pairs are passed to the unit as environment variables prefixed with OCF_RESKEY_.

In a concrete example using the "heartbeat:IPaddr2" agent this could look like this:

start = [
	"ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 p_iscsi_demo1_ip ip= cidr_netmask=16",

OCF agents are expected in /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/. Please make sure to check for resource-agents packages provided by your distribution or use the packages provided by LINBIT (customers only).

Freezing resources

The default behavior when a DRBD Primary loses quorum is to immediately stop the generated target unit and hope that other nodes still having quorum will successfully start the service. This works well if services can be failed over/started on another node in reasonable time. Unfortunately there are services that take a very long time to start, for example huge data bases.

When a DRBD Primary loses its quorum we basically have two possibilities:

  • the rest of the nodes, or at least parts of it still have quorum: Then these have to start the service, they are the only ones with quorum, but still we could keep the old Primary in a frozen state. And then, when the nodes with quorum come into contact with the old Primary, then it should stop the service and its storage should become in sync with the other nodes.
  • the rest of the nodes are not able to form a partition with quorum. In such a scenario there are no alternatives anyways, we would need to keep the Primary frozen. But if the nodes eventually join the old Primary again, and quorum would be restored, we could just unfreeze/thaw the old Primary (which is also the new Primary).

There are several requirements for this to work properly:

  • A system with unified cgroups. If the file /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers exists you should be fine. That requires a relatively "new" kernel. Note that "even" RHEL8 for example needs the addition of systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy on the kernel command line.
  • a service that can tolerate to be frozen
  • DRBD option on-suspended-primary-outdated set to force-secondary
  • DRBD option on-no-quorum set to suspend-io
  • DRBD option on-no-data-accessible set to suspend-io
  • DRBD net option rr-conflict set to retry-connect

If these requirements are fulfilled, then one can set the promoter option on-quorum-loss to freeze.

DRBD resource configuration

Make sure the resource has the following options set:

options {
   auto-promote no;
   quorum majority;
   on-suspended-primary-outdated force-secondary;
   on-no-quorum io-error; # for the default drbd-reactor on-quorum-loss policy (i.e., Shutdown)
   # on-no-quorum suspend-io; # for freezing resources
   on-no-data-accessible io-error # always set this to the value of on-no-quorum!
   # on-no-data-accessible suspend-io # for freezing, always set this to the value of on-no-quorum!
# net { rr-conflict retry-connect; } # for freezing resources

drbd-reactor itself is pretty relaxed about these settings, don't expect too much hand holding or even auto-configuration, you as the admin are the one that should understand your system, but it checks properties and writes warnings to the log (file/journal) if misconfiguration is detected.

Handled (failure-) scenarios

Promotion and Service Start

All nodes that see the "promotable" will race for the promotion, DRBD state change handling will arbitrate, one will win. The others will fail to promote, no longer see the "promotable" (as some peer is already promoted), and wait for further state changes. The winning node continues to start the defined services in order. If a start failure occurs, they will be stopped again in order, drbd will be demoted, the peers will see it as "promotable". The process repeats.

In order to prefer nodes with a favorable disk state, actual promotion will be delayed based on the worst case of local disk/volume states as below:

DiskState Sleep time in seconds
Diskless 6
Attaching 6
Detaching 6
Failed 6
Negotiating 6
Unknown 6
Inconsistent 3
Outdated 2
Consistent 1
UpToDate 0

The configuration can contain a sleep-before-promote-factor that can be used to scale the sleep time.

There should be some max retry or backoff delay to avoid busy loops for services that continuously fail to start. It is up to the user to set these if the systemd defaults do not fit, systemd provides StartLimitIntervalSec= and StartLimitBurst=.

To have the "best" (according to the drbd "promotion-score") peer be the most likely to win the promotion race, there may be some heuristics and delays before taking action. Such a heuristic is currently not implemented, plugins just race to promote the resource.

Cluster start up

systemd will start the drbd-reactor.service. It may bring up some pre-defined DRBD resource(s). systemd or drbd-reactor may start up the LINSTOR controller, if it is used in the setup, which will bring up other DRBD resources.

DRBD tries to establish replication connections. Once DRBD gains "quorum", i.e. has access to known good data without any Primary peer present, it becomes "promotable".

Once drbd-reactor sees in the DRBD event stream a DRBD resource claiming to be "promotable", it will try to start the list of services defined for this resource. See Configuration for more details.

Node failure

The peers will see replication links go down, the resource becomes promotable. See above.

Service failure

If service failure is detected by the service itself, by a monitoring loop in the wrapper service, or by systemd, the instance will be stopped by systemd, resulting in a "promotable" resource again.

It is very important to know that the promoter plugin does not do any service monitoring at all! So in order to make restart (i.e., stop and start), one needs to make sure a service failure gets propagated to The service does that by setting Restart=always. If in your configuration is not used, then it is up to you to make sure a service failure is propaged to the target. This can for example be done setting Restart=always in your service (e.g., via a systemd override).

Replication Link Failure

!! The following is a design draft

If DRBD retains quorum, that is: knows the unreachable peers cannot form a promotable partition, services just keep running.

If DRBD lost quorum, depending on chosen policy, any IO on the volume may block, or may show IO errors. Dynamically configuring for "on-no-quorum suspend-io", and reconfigure for "on-no-quorum io-error" on stop of the target can be a solution.

If the other peers form a promotable partition, they will claim the resource and start services.

If not, then no service is possible at this time.

Once quorum returns, either the local services have long since been stopped already (due to propagated "io-errors"), DRBD reconnects and resyncs, or IO (and services) are still blocked.

In the "still blocked" case, DRBD may have to refuse the connection, we cannot join an other Primary while still being Primary ourselves. But this event should trigger the local drbd-reactor to request an explicit stop, which would reconfigure for io-error, and finally demote the resource. As last ExecStopPost action, we call drbdadm adjust, which should cause DRBD to reconnect again, this time as Secondary, and finally sync up.

This may need some thought, possibly drbd-reactor calling drbdadm adjust every so often if there are "StandAlone" connections.

!! Current implementation:

Currently drbd-reactor does not do any of the described reconfiguration and you as the admin should configure the resource for "io-error". If you want to, drbd-utils starting from 9.18.0 include a drbd-reconfigure-suspend-or-error@.service than can be included in your start = [] list.

Service Stop Failure

If a service fails to stop, we need to "escalate" the recovery. We expect that services propagate failures to the systemd target, which then restarts the services.

This also demotes the DRBD device and another peer might promote the device and start the services.

What we are interested in is when the demotion of the DRBD device fails on a node. Then we have to react with power off/reboot/...

A user can define a systemd OnFailure action via the on-drbd-demote-failure configuration option. A hard reboot for example can be realized via:

on-drbd-demote-failure =  "reboot-immediate"

By default the promoter will try to demote the DRBD device first via drbdsetup secondary, and if that fails as fallback via drbdsetup secondary --force. This has the advantage that demote failures are handled more benign. For example imagine a mount unit that still has openers. A plain secondary would fail and eventually trigger the OnFailure action. By using secondary --force the operation will most likely succeed and not escalate to the OnFailure action because DRBD will be temporarily reconfigured to report errors on device access, causing suspended units to resume with shutdown. If your service can't handle temporary errors during service shutdown, you can set secondary-force to false. One major advantage of secondary --force and its benign behavior is that you don't need to reboot a node with maybe hundreds of active resources just because one (maybe even not so important) resource blocks.

HA involving File System Mount Points

Almost all relevant scenarios include a file system mount. For example to realize a highly available LINSTOR controller, a file system containing LINSTOR's database would be mounted right before the LINSTOR controller service gets started. In these scenarios where another service is on top of a mount point, one should use systemd mount units (sytemd.mount(5)). On systemd target shutdown (e.g., quorum loss), systemd has all means to SIGTERM/SIGKILL all processes that use the mount point. For example systemd can stop the LINSTOR controller and all processes it has spawned that might use the file system cleanly.

If the highly-available file system mount point is the end goal (i.e., the mount unit would be the last service that is started), one should not use a systemd mount unit. Why is that? If that mount point is then in use, per definition there are processes that have files opened systemd does not know about (e.g., your editor editing a file on the HA file system mount). On target stop the unmount will fail, which by itself would be fine, but the situation would never improve, not even after a secondary --force. There needs to be something that removes processes that "idle around" but keep the file system from being unmounted. Again, if the mount point would not have been the last service, but some other service, then systemd would have made sure that all users are terminated. In our case something else must make sure this happens. Fortunately that component already exists: The file system resource-agent, which does all kinds of magic tricks to get rid of processes blocking a file system from being unmounted. So, to conclude: if the mount point would be the last service to start, don't use a systemd mount unit, but use the file system resource-agent instead. In the most simple case this could look like this:

start = ["ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem fs_test device=/dev/drbd1000 directory=/mnt/test fstype=ext4 run_fsck=no"]

Preferred Nodes

While in a HA cluster that deserves the name every node needs to be able to run all services, some users like to add preferences for nodes. This can be done by setting a list of preferred-nodes. On resource startup a delay based on the node's position in the list is added. Nodes with a lower preference will sleep longer. If a node joins on DRBD level, and that peer's disk becomes UpToDate, and the peer has a higher preference, then the active node stops the services locally. As it will then have a higher sleep penalty as the preferred node, the preferred one will take over the service (if it can).