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LagBug edited this page Apr 9, 2020 · 5 revisions


A list of all the available actions this plugin includes, with a description of each one.

Action Description
MESSAGE Send a message to the specified player
BROADCAST Broadcast specified message to every player
KICK Kick the player with a custom message
BAN Ban a player from your server
BAN_IP Ban an IP from your server
CONSOLE_COMMAND Run a command as the console
PLAYER_COMMAND Force the player to run a command
BUNGEECORD Send the player to a specified Bungeecord server
CLEAR_CHAT Clears the chat for a specified player
TEMPBAN Temporary bans a player. In this one there's an extra argument specifying the duration

An example would be: "BLACKLIST;;&c> &7You have been detected as a potential bot"

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