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LagBug edited this page Jul 10, 2019 · 6 revisions


Firstly, we need to initialize the API.

CaptchaAPI api = new CaptchaAPI();


After initializing the API, there are a few methods that you can use.

public List<Captcha> getAvailableCaptchas() {
	return plugin.getCaptchas();

public Map<Player, String> getToVerify() {
	return plugin.getToVerify();

public List<OfflinePlayer> getVerified() {
	return plugin.getVerified();


There are specific events which you can use as well.

public void onComplete(PlayerCompleteCaptchaEvent e) {
         Player p = e.getPlayer();

public void onFail(PlayerFailCaptchaEvent e) {
         Player p = e.getPlayer();
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