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Commands & Permissions

LagBug edited this page May 5, 2020 · 9 revisions


A list of all the available commands this plugin includes. The table below includes the command name, the usage, the description and the permission required for it to work.

Command Description Permission
/p <add/remove/check/test/reload> The main command for this plugin xprotect.use
/p verify <player> Force verifies a player xprotect.add
/p blacklist <player> Blacklists a player xprotect.blacklist
/p remove <player> Force unverifies a player xprotect.remove
/p check <player> Gets if a player is verified or not xprotect.check
/p test <player> Puts the player under a verification test xprotect.test
/p reload Reloads the configuration files of the plugin xprotect.reload


Other than the permission of each command above, there are other permissions for other things in the plugin.

Permission Description
xprotect.* Basically gives all of the permissions
xprotect.bypass Bypasses the antibot & captcha tests
xprotect.notify Get notified when a player completes/fails a test
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