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Xer0Dynamite edited this page Jul 16, 2020 · 8 revisions

C++ was great developing the concept of encapsulation and inventing the idea of inheritance. Where it or people? went wrong is polymorphism. Polymorphism on the same base type could be useful, but then the word is malapropos. Let's call it "soft typing" for now.

Polymorphism is like using the same English word for multiple meanings. Almost always when you want to use a different type you're using a different architectural or semantic purpose. The exception is when those types are all related. Soft typing could be used as an aid when the larger application space is written poorly or used for meta-object or environmental meta-data to understand the data ecosystem better.

C++'s other weakness is the delineation of private vs public members. A better solution can be seen from biology and cellular interaction. There are only a few ways data goes in and out of a cell and interacts with the whole. Four main divisions are noted: hierarchical interactions, lateral interactions, containers, numerics, and immune system. Given this, make a standard API for all object types, like the Gospel of Object Oriented Programming says.

Upon this is the +1 interaction of the data environment to get meta-knowledge on objects or handles into applicaiton internal data streams of their >> objects. There's also a -1 interaction of numeric objects.

Keywords would allow enforcement of object types and API. Class, container, inspector, self (killer objects?), numeric, admin. Inspectors don't need(?) data moving in or out from the ecosystem. Containers, or meta-objects (objects of objects) give a few more methods for getting other objects. Self objects have special privileges that other objects can't access, like writing to disk or using system commands. Numerics conform to a mathematical API and admin objects give objects a feeling of trust for accessing their internals by being identifable by type.

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