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Marxos edited this page Dec 6, 2022 · 10 revisions

System command

LIST [name] [[<]]

LIST without a name, will list all the subnodes (or program code) for the present NODE. XXXWould this show the command list if done from the outer command prompt? Also perhaps CLONE is the wrong word and DIR should be .

LIST > will print the "Table of Contents" for the inside of the node, while LIST < will show the code operating in the present node.

OR LIST should print all hardware objects/devices on the machine. LIST Input, LIST Output... A harddisk is not considered an input device unless it has some fault/S.M.A.R.T. reporting that it gives. A keyboard that interrupts the CPU is considered an input device....

All devices seen at bootup should be LISTable at runtime. Further, data-in should be capturable and data out re-routable to other objects before sending to hardware.

LIST without any parameters will show all (the next level) of the subobjects within the present node. (this could get rid of the HELP command.)

This latter shoiuld probably list sub-nodes running Singularity OS, but not allowed to communicate out of the network or other devices into them.

Put this to another wiki page:

Objects have 6 directions of interaction (in/out bewteen objects, in/out between files/hardware, and up and down, but there is also MSG in and out....): an >> and << and > and < and CALL and DUMP.

A super node can send Singularity commands, like a call function, to subnodes: REBOOT, LIST etc. to get them to do things, but normally such nodes must give permission on a SET list. So perhaps, there is some, way to specify at install that a node is a child in a GROUP and the SET list gets set automatically.

A child node's output gets sent into the SOUP of the super or parent/group node.

"Data received from child POS: Transaction 211." That is, what is the Soup is the natural >> input to the super node.

See also:
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