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Commands List

Yura edited this page Jan 29, 2015 · 12 revisions
Welcome to the Commands Page!
Here we list all the available commands of EssentialsPE and their functions, let's start!
General commands
Command Description Usage Aliases
AFK Toggle the Away From the KeyBoard status /afk [player] away
Antioch Holy hand grenade! /antioch grenade, tnt
Back Return to the last point before teleporting /back return
Break Breaks the block you're looking at /break Not Available
Broadcast Broadcast a message to the server /broadcast message bcast
Burn Set a player on fire /burn player seconds Not available
ClearInventory Clear a your/other's inventory /clearinventory [player] ci, clean, clearinvent
Compass Display your current bearing direction /compass direction
Depth Display your depth related to the sea-level /depth height
EssentialsPE See EssentialsPE's version /essentialspe [reload] esspe
Extinguish Extinguish a player on fire /extinguish player ex
GetPos Get your/other current position /getpos [player] coords, position, pos, whereami, getlocation, getloc
God Prevent you to take any type of damage /god [player] godmode, tgm
Heal Heal yourself or another player /heal [player] Not available
Item Gives yourself an item /item item[:damage] [amount] i
ItemDB Display the information attached to the item you hold /itemdb [name/id/meta] itemno, durability, dura
Jump Teleport you to the block you're looking at /jump j, jumpto
KickAll Kick all the players, except the sender /kickall [reason] Not available
More Get a stack of the item you're holding /more Not available
Mute Prevent a player to chat /mute player silence
Near List the players near to you /near [radius/player {radius}] nearby
Nick Change your name in-game /nick nick [player]/nickname
Nuke Thin carpet of bomb /nuke [player] Not Available
PvP Prevent you to take PvP damage /pvp on/off Not Available
RealName See a player's realname /realname player Not available
Repair Repair the item you're holding /repair fix
Seen See the last time that a player was online /seen player Not available
SetSpawn Change your server main spawn point /setspawn Not available
Spawn Teleport to the main server spawn /spawn [player] Not Available
Sudo Execute a command as another player /sudo player ~command line/c:~message~~ Not Available
Suicide Kills youself /suicide Not Available
TempBan Temporary bans a player /tempban player time(y,mo,w,d,h,m,s) ... [reason ...] Not Available
Top Teleport to the highest block above you /top Not available
Unlimited Allow unlimited placing of blocks /unlimited [player] ul, unl
Vanish Hide from other players /vanish [player] /v
World Teleport to anothe world /world world name Not Available
Home commands
Command Description Usage Aliases
DelHome Removes a home /delhome name remhome, removehome
Home Teleport to a home /home [name] homes
SetHome Creates or updates a home position /sethome name createhome
PowerTool commands
Command Description Usage Aliases
PowerTool Toogle PowerTool on the item you're holding /powertool command/c:chat macro arguments ... pt
PowerToolToogle Disable PowerTool from all the items /powertooltoogle ptt, pttoogle
Teleport commands
Command Description Usage Aliases
TPAll Teleports all the players to another player /tpall [player] **Not Available
TPHere Teleport a player to you /tphere player s
Teleport Requests' commands
Command Description Usage Aliases
TPA Asks the player if you can teleport to them /tpa player call, tpask
TPAHere Request a player to teleport to your position /tpahere player not Available
TPAccept Accept a teleport request /tpaccept [player] tpyes
TPDeny Decline a Teleport Request /tpdeny [player] tpno
Warp commands
Command Description Usage Aliases
DelWarp Delete a warp /delwarp name remwarp, removewarp, closewarp
SetWarp Create a warp (or update it) /setwarp name openwarp, createwarp
Warp Teleport to a warp /warp name [player] warps

Also check out the permission node list 😺