Programmable ATtiny85 CW keyer
- Uses Digispark library
- Small form factor
- USB serial programmable
- DC 5-30V (With regulator on Digispark)
- Configurable 5-20 WPM+
- 510 character message storage (EEPROM size - 2)
- Program using Arduino IDE. You may need to install the Digispark libraries.
- Copy the EEPROM directory from Arduino core to the Digispark core.
- Start serial monitor
- Jumper modePin to ground (default Digispark pin 0)
- Plug in or reset Digispark
- Unfortunately due to a bug in the software USB serial library, you must wait for fullstops and garbage characters to stop appearing. This may take over a minute in some cases.
- Press the open bracket key '['
- The 3 above steps may take several tries unfortunately. It should however start working. I would fix the affected libraries myself however I feel that is the job of the maintainers.
- You should see a prompt for wpm. 1 is 5wpm, 2 is 10wpm and so on up to 20wpm. Other input is ignored and set to the default of 5wpm.
- Type your alphanumeric message followed by the close bracket ']'
- You should now see your entered information displayed for confirmation.
- Reset, remove the jumper and your message should begin wandering out of keyPin as morse code and the LED on the Digispark should flash. Default is Digispark pin 1
- Quince Johnny Adamsson