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LittleWhite-tb edited this page Mar 18, 2015 · 2 revisions

FTaLaT: Frequency TrAnsition LATency estimator

FTaLaT is a benchmarking tool able to measure the CPU frequency transition latency directly on the computer. It can quickly determine, with no preliminary knowledge, the time required for changing the frequency on your CPU. This information can interest you for instance if you want to compare several CPUs or simply have an idea of the performance of your CPU.

Currently, FTaLaT supports any recent Linux system but you need a valid C compilation toolchain to build the sources (Make and GCC for instance).


To install FTaLaT, simply download it from the source tree and compile it using make.


To estimate the time required to go from frequency f1 to frequency f2 on your machine, simply run

./ftalat f1 f2

If you do it for all the available frequencies, then you will be able to plot nice graphs like this one:

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