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Set publish frequency

Livox-SDK edited this page Oct 26, 2020 · 5 revisions

Set publish frequency(在ROS驱动程序中设置发布频率)

1. Git clone livox_ros_driver

git clone ws_livox/src

2. Set publish frequency

Take the conversion of lvx files to rosbag files as an example :

If you need to convert rosbag data with the frequency to 10Hz, please set the ‘publish_freq’ parameter to 10.0 in "../ws_livox/src/livox_ros_driver/launch/lvx_to_rosbag.launch file". Similarly, you can set other frequencies.

Set frequency

3. Open a terminal window under this path


4. Convert lvx point cloud data file (v1.0/v1.1) to rosbag file

livox_ros_driver supports the conversion of lvx pointcloud data files to rosbag files. Use the command as follows :

roslaunch livox_ros_driver lvx_to_rosbag.launch lvx_file_path:="/home/livox/test.lvx"

After replacing "/home/livox/test.lvx" in the above command with the local lvx data file path, you can simply run it; if the conversion is successful, a rosbag format file with the same name will be generated under the above path.

Convert lvx file

Convert lvx file

5. Playing the Rosbag data

Play rosbag file